Success StoryDownsizing Your Home
Downsizing Your Home
Author: Jane Proctor
Planning Unit: Trimble County CES
Major Program: Embracing Life as We Age (general)
Plan of Work: Healthy Lifestyle Practices and Skills
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The United States Census Bureau estimates that the average person will move 11.7 times during his or her lifetime. There are many reasons why a person may consider downsizing to a smaller home. In recent years, downsizing has become increasingly common, especially among older adults. Older adults are often interested in downsizing to meet retirement goals, simplify their lifestyle or to live closer to family. Occasionally, the decision to downsize is one that is based on necessity, such as the loss of a spouse or an illness that may prevent an older adult from being able to maintain a larger home.
To increase consumer confidence and the ability to downsize, the Trimble County Extension Agent taught Downsizing: The Ins and Outs of Downsizing Your Home financial workshop for the Louisville Area Homemaker Leader lesson. Educational emphasis was placed on understanding the steps of the downsizing process, identifying strategies for preparing a home for downsizing and identifying strategies for preparing for the move into a new, smaller home. Sixty seven consumers participated in the workshop. Participants were surveyed following the class and 91 percent indicated that they learned and understood the steps of the downsizing process, 84 percent learned strategies for preparing a home for downsizing and 81 percent learned strategies for preparing for the move into a new, smaller home. Forty eight participants reported that they planned to pursue the downsizing process and forty six participants indicated that they planned to use the downsizing strategies learned.
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