Success StoryHook and Cook Partnership
Hook and Cook Partnership
Author: Pamela Holbrook
Planning Unit: Franklin County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In March 2025 the Franklin County Cooperative Extension Nutrition Education Program (NEP) Assistant, Pamela Holbrook, and the Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agent, Keenan Bishop, partnered with the Easton Copley at the Kentucky Division of Fish and Wildlife for a three-day course in fishing and cooking your catch called Hook and Cook.
The first class was three hours of attendees learning about fishing regulations in Kentucky, fish identification, proper equipment and choosing bait. The poles used for attendees to learn on were all provided by KY Fish & Wildlife.
The second evening was also three hours and involved learning about filleting and cooking your catch. Each attendee tasted Catch of the Day Burgers and Fish Tacos, recipes created by the NEP Cook Wild program. They also got to observe a fish getting filleted, then practice on their own.
The third class was a trip to the lake on Sportsman's Lane in Frankfort County. Participants were allowed to use borrowed equipment or bring their own and spend three hours fishing. Several fish were caught and there was much cheering.
Overall, everyone reported they learned more about all topics and plan to continue buying annual fishing licenses and improving their skills on both fishing and cooking their catch. Interest was also expressed in borrowing equipment for use in a 'check out' program set up at the Extension office. This is a longterm goal resulting from the program.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment