Success StorySupport local businesses through Tea Party Events
Support local businesses through Tea Party Events
Author: Shelley Meyer
Planning Unit: Harrison County CES
Major Program: Economic and Business Development - CED
Plan of Work: Community Engagement and Economic Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Describe the Issue or Situation.
Cynthiana’s revitalization has boomed over the past 15 years. With a staggering number of new small businesses, Cynthiana has continued to grow and develop even during the recent covid pandemic. However, small businesses often face various challenges that can significantly impact their growth, stability, and success like competing with larger businesses and offsetting expenses with feasible customer prices. Opportunities and programs are needed to educate community members on the importance of shopping local which can directly benefit small businesses.
Describe the Outreach or Educational Program Response (and Partners, if applicable).
The Harrison County, Kentucky Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS) developed a unique tea party opportunity for participants to support local businesses. The community event is held at local event venues and brings in an additional locally owned business to feature throughout the evening. By repeating annually, different businesses are highlighted every year. By organizing an event for the community that supports local entrepreneurs, participants can attend local event venues and learn about various small businesses in their hometown.
The 2022 Tea Party was held at Ashford Acres. Cynthiana’s local business, Cymply Cynful Nutrition, provided bubble teas for the event while Ashford Acres prepared the savory sweets. The 2023 Tea Party was held at the Prizing House which also catered the foods for the event. Melinda’s Boutique supplied tea that could be purchased from their store as well as provided fashion show entertainment which showcased apparel that could be bought from the business. Most recently was the 2024 Tea Party which was held at The Sweet Boutique. The Next Chapter Bookstore provided syrups to be used in the teas which can be purchased from their store. Every participant was given a $5 gift certificate to use towards shopping in the bookstore following their meal at The Sweet Boutique. With the bookstore being located right across the street, participants took the small walk to check out the bookstore and enjoy a book signing with one of the town’s local authors. Each participant received a free signed book.
Past project partners have included Ashford Acres, Cymply Cynful Nutrition, Prizing House, Melinda’s Boutique, The Sweet Boutique, The Next Chapter Bookstore, and Judy Clevinger (local book author). Future tea parties will spotlight other community owned businesses. The Harrison County, KY FCS agent, Shelley Meyer, organizes and implements the tea party events. This includes contacting local event venues and small business owners with details of the program. After confirming dates and times, flyers are created for promotion through the FCS newsletter, social media, Cynthiana Democrat, and local radio station. The FCS agent also works with office staff to distribute tea party tickets and payment collection. An evaluation is administered to participants at the completion of tea party evenings.
The event venues are responsible for setting up the tables, chairs, decorations, and dishes. The additional local business has been responsible for providing the tea served at the party as well as the educational/entertainment component. Currently the event venue prepares the food with the flexibility to change each year depending on the role of the partnering local business.
Provide the Number and Description(s) of Participants/Target Audience.
The tea party is for any adult or youth community member, primarily consisting of Harrison County, KY homemakers. The goal of this event, which showcases local businesses, is for participants to not only have a pleasant social evening but also to learn about locally owned businesses and later support the entities with future shopping. The past three tea parties have had 45, 41, and 36 participants respectively for 2024, 2023, and 2022.
Provide a Statement of Outcomes or Program Impact. Please note that the outcomes statement must use evaluation data to describe the change(s) that occurred in individuals, groups, families, businesses, or in the community because of the program/outreach.
Evaluation methods have included both quantitative and qualitative measures. A survey is administered at the conclusion of tea party events asking about future tea party time preferences, enjoyment levels, first experiences with the business, and if they will likely do future business with the local entities. Open ended responses are also included to capture more in-depth responses from participants. A follow up survey was sent to participants from the first tea party eight months after the event. Interviews were conducted with the first tea party business owners for additional perspectives.
Post tea party survey
Results from all surveys include one hundred percent of participants have liked or really liked the event. All but one participant said they would likely shop at Cymply Cynful Nutrition in the future. Sixty-seven percent indicated they would likely shop at Melinda’s Boutique in the future. Sixty percent of participants had never been to Ashford Acres while 33% had never been to the Prizing House before the tea parties brought them there.
Follow-up survey from first tea party participants
A follow up survey was sent in February 2023 to 27 individuals who attended the June 2022 FCS Tea Party. Twenty-one of those surveys were completed and returned, producing a 78 percent response rate.
One question asked was, have you visited Cymply Cynful Nutrition for bubble teas or other products because of the FCS Tea Party in June 2022? Eight of the 21 respondents answered yes. Six of the respondents who answered no indicated on the following question that they wanted to visit Cymply Cynful Nutrition because of the June 2022 FCS Tea Party. Twenty-four percent of survey participants said they had participated in another event or meal at Ashford Acres because of attending the FCS Tea Party in June 2022. Sixteen individuals marked no to participation with additional Ashford Acres events but 11 of those said they wanted to attend other events at Ashford Acres because of their participation with the FCS Tea Party.
Follow-up interview with first tea party business owners
A follow-up interview was conducted with a manager of Cymply Cynful Nutrition. The business manager said they received positive feedback after the 2022 tea party and gained at least three new customers because of exposure to the tea party participants. When asked if she felt the opportunity to collaborate in a community event was good for the business, her response was, “I loved the collaboration. I feel most tea party attendees had never heard or tried our products. It was exciting to share with them and listen to their experience sampling our teas. I love our teas, but it is fun to hear and witness people try them for the first time” (Lemons, 2023).
The same follow-up interview questions were conducted with the director of Ashford Acres. When asked if they had gained new customers because of the tea party, the manager stated, “We did. Some of the attendees of the tea have also reserved a table for our weekly dinners and attended other events on site such as Christmas on the Farm, our Fall to Table dinner, and other public events we host throughout the year” (Chambers, 2023).
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