Success StoryYour Guide to the Four H's
Your Guide to the Four H's
Author: Mackenzie Pogue
Planning Unit: Muhlenberg County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Plan of Work: Basic Life Skills
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Youth actively participated in Your Guide to the Four H’s learning essential life skills to aid in their personal growth. Hands-on lessons included grilling on a griddle, gas, and charcoal grills. Food and knife safety were key components of the program ensuing participants were confident with each while working in the kitchen. Youth participants also learned basic home budgeting and check writing skills, along with understanding the difference between needs versus wants. In addition, the importance of staying physically fit, eating a balanced diet, and personal hygiene habits were elements of this exciting program. The day concluded with home maintenance skills youth can fill confident in assisting their families with.
Youth gained confidence using a grill to prepare foods. They were taught how to safely use a knife to cut vegetables, including the basic cuts: slice crosswise and lengthwise, chop, dice, mince and julienne. When youth are provided the opportunity to be an aid in the kitchen, they gain mastery in such skills.
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