Success StoryMaking History in Muhlenberg County
Making History in Muhlenberg County
Author: Mackenzie Pogue
Planning Unit: Muhlenberg County CES
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Providing Positive Youth Development Experience
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Through various 4-H experiences, both young and older 4-Hers have many “firsts” as a direct result of 4-H Youth Development programs. Whether it’s a first time out of state on a 4-H trip, first blue ribbon after competing in the livestock show, first overnight stay away from home at 4-H camp, or your first friend for life that you met in CloverBud Club. These experiences provide positive impacts on 4-Hers’ lives that carry them throughout their journey to adulthood. For one Muhlenberg County 4-Her, her first, was also a county first, making history. On June 13, 2018 Jonna Woodson was elected KY State 4-H President, an honor that was in the making since her first overnight 4-H trip to Teen Summit, where she was exposed to the coveted green jackets.
Jonna was elected to office at 4-H Teen Conference, held on UK’s campus in Lexington. “Kentucky 4-H believes that all youth should have opportunities for positive youth development in our four guiding concepts: mastery, belonging, independence, and generosity. 4-H members work to master leadership and citizenship skills, this event inspires teens to continue their 4-H involvement through belonging to a group of like-minded peers and mentors. During this four-day conference, teens develop valuable life skills, leadership competencies and communication abilities. Delegates have an opportunity to practice independence while staying on the University of Kentucky campus living in dorms, visiting "The 90" and other academic and student life buildings that allow them to see how a real college student lives. Delegates are encouraged to explore their future education and degree plans by exploring all the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment can offer. A service learning opportunity is provided for youth to practice generosity. Featured events include: Fashion Revue, the Culinary Challenge, State 4-H Officer elections, and selection of our future Teen Board members.” -Rachel E. Noble, Extension Specialists for 4-H Youth Development.
A mission of 4-H is to expose youth to experiences where they can envision themselves in a future leadership role, such as Jonna’s personal experience. From an eager 9-year-old attending 4-H camp for the first time, to earning the highest honor in Ky 4-H, it has been a joy watching this young lady flourish. Throughout Jonna’s 4-H journey, she has served in many facets from volunteering to work at community events, serving as a teen counselor at camp, creating a service project to benefit the Humane Society, and presiding over the Teen Club as President. Jonna has put in the time necessary to master the essence of 4-H, and now will use her newly appointed opportunity as KY 4-H President to give back to all of Kentucky 4-H.
Mastery, belonging, independence, and generosity are all core values of KY 4-H that Jonna has in deed obtained. As her 4-H Youth Development Agent, I have had the honor of being a part of her journey and look forward to watching her continue to do good deeds and be the successor she is destined to be.
Stories by Mackenzie Pogue
Making History in Muhlenberg County
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Stories by Muhlenberg County CES

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Stories by Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum

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