Success StoryTri County Beef Quality and Assurance
Tri County Beef Quality and Assurance
Author: Robert Smith
Planning Unit: Nelson County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Crop and Livestock Management, Marketing, and Education
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
According to the 2022 Census of Agriculture, Nelson County remains a top 20 producer of cattle in the state of Kentucky with more than 43,000 head and an annual sale of more than $20,000,000. This equals 25% of the total sales of agricultural products for Nelson County. As can be seen from the numbers presented, cattle represent a significant part of our agriculture economy. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that we produce a high-quality animal for the food chain.
One mechanism to enhance the quality of our animals being sold is the BQCA (Beef Quality Care and Assurance) program. This program came about after audits were conducted by the beef industry that identified management processes that resulted in poor quality beef at the slaughter facilities. Things like carcass bruising from handling and poor shot placement resulting in damaged meat were just a few things that were identified as problems that could be fixed with better management.
To address this on the county level we conduct annual BQCA trainings. In 2024, Marion, Washington and Nelson counties collaborated on a Chute Side Training to enhance the experience and offer hands on in person participation. This event featured specialists from the University of Kentucky, representatives from the Kentucky Beef Network and the County agents of each county interacting and teaching nearly 60 participants. Cattle farmers learned the value of genetics, nutrition, needle placement, handling techniques and much more and went home with ta BQCA certification. Over the years Nelson county has trained more than 420 farmers with BQCA certification.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment