Success StoryNelson County 4-H Develops and Recognizes Volunteers at the Kentucky Volunteer Forum
Nelson County 4-H Develops and Recognizes Volunteers at the Kentucky Volunteer Forum
Author: Marsha Hagler
Planning Unit: Nelson County CES
Major Program: 4-H Volunteer Programming
Plan of Work: Developing Leadership and Volunteer Skills for engagement with community country and world
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Cooperative Extension Service relies on volunteers to extend the reach of extension programs. A well maintained 4-H program should include volunteer training, recognition and motivation. The “Kentucky Volunteer Forum” or KVF was created to address basic needs and beyond of volunteer development. This conference is held every two years with the last held in February of 2020. The intent of the conference is to provide workshops to increase skills and competency, recognize volunteers for program accomplishments, and provide networking opportunities.
Nelson County KVF Highlights
Nelson County 4-H had 19 volunteers attend the KY 4-H volunteer forum. Three volunteers assisted with workshops, serving as a room host and assisting the presenter. Danielle Hagler, Nelson County Cooperative Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development, in partnership with two colleagues presented a Pro-Bots workshop, introducing 20 volunteers to a hands-on coding tools that they could utilize in their counties.
Four Nelson County Volunteers and one community partner were inducted into the 4-H Hall of Fame. Those recognized were extremely appreciative of their volunteer impact being highlighted at a state level, and have all taken on greater leadership roles or become more active at the county level.
Two Nelson County extension clients (who had participated in Nelson County Entrepreneur events) exhibited in the commercial exhibits after the 4-H Agent sent them information about the event. The commercial exhibitors indicated that they had a very successful event, gaining income for their business and contacts for future events.
Four Nelson County 4-H volunteers received a Kentucky 4-H Volunteer Accreditation, one in two areas. The new accreditation program, strengthens volunteers knowledge of 4-H programs, club management, policies and procedures and a more in-depth study of their chosen program area. in a five month follow-up, one volunteer who received accreditation stated, "I learned more in depth about the 4-H program as a whole, as well as more about myself as a leader."
In a five month followup, one volunteer stated that they were able to bring back valuable knowledge to the Nelson County 4-H Horse Club and enjoyed meeting other leaders and learning from them. Another notes, "Not only did I learn valuable information, but I learned that there are so many people that love helping others succeed."
Teens Highlighted at KVF
Four senior Nelson County 4-H members were recognized as ten year members, highlighting their dedication to the program and noting the impact the program had on them. One member state that being recognized as a ten year member was a huge personal accomplishment. One Senior Nelson County 4-Her completed the Leadership BootCamp which was held in conjunction with the forum. Through the BootCamp, youth had the opportunity to participate in exercises that would empower them to lead within their community at an advanced level.
The Kentucky 4-H Leadership Bootcamp participant reported that due to their involvement in 4-H Leadership Bootcamp he is now prepared to apply for a Kentucky 4-H State Officer position or state leadership board, felt more confident in an interview setting, understood the importance of an elevator speech, valued the act of showing appreciation to others, and understood the value of teamwork. The participant indicated he would be a better leader and able to easily implement skills he learned when he return home. Since the BootCamp this participant has interviewed for 4-H Honors and re-applied and was accepted to the 4-H SET leadership Board.
Stories by Marsha Hagler

Nelson County 4-H Develops and Recognizes Volunteers at the Kentucky Volunteer Forum
The Cooperative Extension Service relies on volunteers to extend the reach of extension programs. A ... Read More

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Stories by Nelson County CES

Nelson County 4-H Develops and Recognizes Volunteers at the Kentucky Volunteer Forum
The Cooperative Extension Service relies on volunteers to extend the reach of extension programs. A ... Read More

SET for the Future through 4-H
With a shortage of people to fill high demand, high skilled technology & related fields, Kentucky 4-... Read More
Stories by 4-H Volunteer Programming

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