Success StoryMastering A Culinary Pastry
Mastering A Culinary Pastry
Author: Sally Mineer
Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The Kentucky Family Consumer Science Extension Agents had the privilege of attending a specialized Pie & Pastry class this past year. This training was designed to impart the scientific principles and techniques essential for mastering a fundamental culinary process, which many agents previously found challenging to execute or teach. The class delved into the history and key facts of pie and pastry making, emphasizing the use of various types of flour—differentiated by protein content, hardness, and softness—and other critical ingredients.
Conducted by an instructor from the Home Baking Association, the training offered agents valuable insights into the latest advancements in baking products and equipment. Participants engaged in practical exercises that included weight and volume measurement, managing the temperatures of flour, fat, and water, dough preparation, and dough chilling. This comprehensive training equips the agents with the expertise necessary to address inquiries and conduct baking sessions more effectively at the county level.
61 responses total
63% (33) had made pastry or pie crusts before the training; 37% (19) had not.
98% reported having a better understanding of the different types of flour and how to use them after the training.
90% have a better understanding of how to prepare a pie crust as a result of the training.
87% (45) agreed that the content was presented in a well-organized and easy to understand format, 13% (7) was neutral on that statement. No one disagreed.
88% (46) of respondents report they will use that they learned in their county programming efforts; 12% (6) were neutral. No one disagreed.
96% (50) reported a gain of knowledge and skills about the topics presented in the training; 4%(2) were neutral. No one disagreed.
The following results were collected after the class had been taught.
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