Success StoryKentucky Leadership Academy
Kentucky Leadership Academy
Author: Sally Mineer
Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association Leadership Academy-The 2nd KEHA Leadership academy was held in March 2023 with 21 leaders, 6 committee members, 2 advisors attending and 11 different presenters. Thanks to the KEHA state board for budgeting $10,000 to help fund this academy. The board wants to build future leaders into their organization and the Extension system. Participants do pay a small registration fee but with the boards support it is an investment for their future. This two-day workshop focused on leadership styles, parliamentary procedure, communication skills, understanding personalities and growth for the organization. I served as an advisor with the state leadership chairman to help lead and facilitate this workshop. Participants will develop a plan to complete in in 12 months and complete at least 40 hours of volunteer hours. It is encouraged to start something new or rebuild an existing program in the FCS extension homemaker organization and to take on new officer leadership positions. One quote from a participate from this year “wanted to share with you great news I am now president of my County Homemakers. I just wanted to say thank you so much for the opportunity to take the Leadership Academy and everything that I have learned I will use during my term.” From the first graduating class I received this note. “The Leadership Academy had such a wonderful blend of speakers and topics regarding leadership that there was something that anyone could take away and use in their professional or volunteer life. The group bonded so well, and everyone made new friends that will help them in their leadership journey. We have already seen members of the academy that have stepped up as officers on the area and state level and I think the academy gave them the confidence and ability to do that. I highly recommend this academy to anyone who wants to give back to this organization.” These comments and evaluations helped the state board to unanimously vote for hosting the second academy.
Stories by Sally Mineer
Kentucky Leadership Academy
Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association Leadership Academy-The 2nd KEHA Leadership academy was hel... Read More
Stories by Family and Consumer Sciences

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Stories by Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association 2nd Leadership Academy
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