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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success StoryModern Homesteading Series

Modern Homesteading Series

Author: Gary Hamilton

Planning Unit: Montgomery County CES

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Plan of Work: Production and Economic Challenges Facing Crop Producers

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Meeting the needs of and attracting new clientele to Extension programming is an on going task. In an effort to do so the total Montgomery County Extension staff has deveped a new and very successful Extension program series entitled Modern Homesteading. The sessions planned and conducted in this series have included: Fruit Tree Grafting, Bread Making, Gardening in Small Spaces, Food Preservation and Composting/Wild Edibles. The response to this program series has been overwelming. All of the classes have reached their signup limits and have initiated waiting lists to attend future offerings. This agent has conducted and taught both the Fruit Tree Grafting class and the Gardening in Small Spaces class. 40 individuals attended these classes with 50% being first time Extension program participants and 75% being new gardeners and or fruit producers. In the Fruit Tree Grafting session participants learned the process of grafting Apple and Pear trees through demontration and hands-on activities, In addition they learned how to care for their grafted tree seedling, so they could begin their own fruit production at home. In the Gardening in Small Spaces session, particpants learned about garden location selection, soil types and ammendments, how to build raised beds and select containers, vegetable variety selection, and general vegetable production and care infromation. Each participant potted a container and planted an strawberry plant to take home and experience the caring and growing process. 100% of the participants expressed knowledge gained in these classes. Through surveyed results in this program series, additional topics and repeat classes are being planned to continue the efforts of meeting the needs of clientele.

Stories by Gary Hamilton

Modern Homesteading Series

about 7 months ago by Gary Hamilton

Meeting the needs of and attracting new clientele to Extension programming is an on going task. In a... Read More

Cattleman's Virginia Farm and History Tour

about 8 months ago by Gary Hamilton

The Montgomery County Cattlemens Association is a very active commodity group that is supported by t... Read More

Stories by Montgomery County CES

Super Star Chef

Super Star Chef

about 8 months ago by Sarah Congleton

Many children in America are tasked with making their own meals and snacks in todays busy society, t... Read More

Bread Making

Bread Making

about 10 months ago by Sarah Congleton

In 2023, the Cooperative Extension Service noticed an increased curiosity community wide regarding H... Read More

Stories by Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Shared-Use Equipment Program

Shared-Use Equipment Program

about 7 months ago by Benjamin Prewitt

The Whitley County Cooperative Extension Service noticed a major restriction for a lot of folks in... Read More

Master Gardener Plant Sale

Master Gardener Plant Sale

about 7 months ago by Lorilee Kunze

Bullitt County is a community adjacent to Louisville and it is extremely hard to engage community me... Read More