Success Story4-H Horse Camp
4-H Horse Camp
Author: Owen Prim
Planning Unit: Campbell County CES
Major Program: Agriculture & Natural Resources
Plan of Work: 4-H Youth Development - Youth Agriculture Education
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Horses are an important agriculture industry and pastime in Campbell County. According to the Kentucky Horse Council and the last Kentucky Equine Survey, there are about 1600 horses in Campbell County with a value of goods and services of over 12 million. The 4-H Horse Program continues to re-gain popularity. The need for youth to learn how to properly and safely care for and ride these animals was identified as a need by community leaders. To meet this need, the Campbell County Cooperative Extension Service 4-H Program and the Saddle Up 4-H Club wanted to continue to sponsor a week-long 4-H Horse Camp. This camp was held at the Alexandria Fairgrounds the week of June 2-7, 2024. Intense instruction at the beginner, intermediate and advanced levels for miniature, hunt seat, gaited, contest and western pleasure horse divisions.
2024 marked the 34th year for the Campbell County 4-H Horse Camp. For many of our youth 4-H Horse Camp is the highlight of their summer. In recent years there were three 4-H Horse Camps in our old district and now ours is the only one still happening. This year we had 59 youth and 70 adult volunteers from 5 counties attend 4-H Horse Camp. This camp has become a true family experience where most participants come and camp out for the week at the fairgrounds and share their love of horses. of the 9 instructors, 5 of them attended this camp when they were in 4-H and they wanted to give back to the program that had meant so much to them growing up. Smaller groups this year allowed time for more one on one instruction. This agent secured additional financial support for camp from the Campbell County Extension District Board Special Programs Fund, the RC Durr Foundation and the Kentucky 4-H Foundation Ag Mini-Grant Program.
On written and verbal evaluations, campers reported that they learned to be more responsible by caring and working with their horses and 100% reported that they had fun and learned at least one new skill.
Fifteen of our 4-H Horse Club members have now turned in their eligibility forms and plan to participate at the State 4-H Horse Show which will be held August 5-10.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment