Success StoryKentucky 4-H Inaugural Equine Task Force 2023-2024
Kentucky 4-H Inaugural Equine Task Force 2023-2024
Author: Owen Prim
Planning Unit: Campbell County CES
Major Program: Leadership
Plan of Work: 4-H Youth Development - Youth Agriculture Education
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Leadership development, career exploration, decision-making skills, youth voice and personal development are important parts of the Kentucky 4-H Youth Development program and are offered through the State 4-H Teen Leadership Boards. Until this program year, 4-H Teen Leadership Boards in Kentucky were offered for Fashion, Healthy Living, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Performing Arts, Science, Engineering and Technology, Shooting Sports, Social Justice and State Teen Council. There was not a board for teens interested in equine. To meet this need, the Inaugural State 4-H Equine Task Force was created. Applications for this task force were distributed state-wide and nine youth were selected to serve. Two of these youth selected to serve were Catherine Deaton and Nadia Shurley from Campbell County.
The mission of the 4-H Equine Task Force is to offer advanced opportunities for senior level 4-H equine youth to further develop leadership and communication skills and career exploration. These youth represent and promote the Kentucky 4-H Horse Program at the county, area, state and regional levels.
This past year the task force members had a day at Frankfort, taught workshops and had table top displays during the Kentucky Volunteer Forum and had the opportunity to tour The Red Mile, Kesmarc Stables LLC, Hagyard Equine Medical Institute and the Old Friends Thoroughbred Retirement Farm.
Catherine and Nadia reported that they were honored to serve on this task force and the experience gave them the opportunity to make new friends and to go and see places that they would normally not have gone. Both girls have decided to attend the University of Kentucky and will be in the Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment.
This agent served on the committee that planned and organized this new task force and recruited the two teens to apply for membership. Applications are now being accepted for the second year of this task force.
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