Success StoryExtension Homemakers Explore Healthy Eating Around World
Extension Homemakers Explore Healthy Eating Around World
Author: Lynnette Allen
Planning Unit: Breckinridge County CES
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Plan of Work: Improving community wellness through nutrition, physical activity and safety
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Food is a significant piece of culture. Many countries around the world offer guidance for foods and lifestyle habits to promote health. While the local or preferred foods may be different, the general food-based dietary guidance and goals to promote health around the globe are quite similar.
Thirty-three Extension Homemaker volunteers attended “Healthy Eating Around the Globe" area leader trainings hosted by the Breckinridge County FCS agent in January and February 2024. This program provided a wonderful opportunity to learn about cultures around the world and explore flavors of their cuisine. Volunteer leaders received resource materials to share the program through their February club meetings. Also, the participants had the opportunity to sample international spices such as saffron and garam masala. Irish soda bread, Tarta De Santiago, and tzatziki dip was enjoyed by all. The volunteers discussed activities and recipes that they would share while teaching the lesson for their clubs.
Of those surveyed after the program, 97% felt their knowledge increased about how other countries' dietary guidance compares to those of the United States. Ninety-eight percent of the people also had increased understanding of foods and meals eaten around the world. As a result of this program, 97% said they plan to try a new international ingredient, recipe, or restaurant, and 88% plan to learn more about how people in their community serve foods from other cultures. Post survey comments included using the My Plate more when menu planning and remembering to preserve cultural foods and recipes. One participant also reported that they would try to eat more meals with company.
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