Success Story4-H Youth Choruses Treble/Senior
4-H Youth Choruses Treble/Senior
Author: Rebecca Brown
Planning Unit: Breckinridge County CES
Major Program: Communications & Expressive Arts
Plan of Work: Building life skills among all ages
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The Breckinridge County 4-H Choruses collaborated with the Louisville Youth Choir, thanks to a generous grant from the Kentucky Rural Urban Exchange. Over 120 youth from Breckinridge County and Louisville participated in this exchange of rural and urban students through two concerts: one held in Louisville at The Temple and the other hosted by Breckinridge County at St. Romuald Church. These concerts were performed for the local community and families. Both venues were filled to capacity, with St. Romuald Church also enjoying a full house.
Many of the youth in the Breckinridge County Choruses don't often have the opportunity to travel outside their county, let alone perform and interact with students from larger populations and diverse backgrounds. Most of our students were interviewed by Terri E. Foster, as part of the grant, to gather insights about their experiences throughout the program. We hope that our homeschool students, who typically lack these opportunities in their daily education, can engage with peers from different backgrounds, make new friends, and possibly open doors along their journey in communications and the expressive arts. It brought me great joy to witness both the youth and the many adults present engaging with each other.
The grant total was an amount of 3,400, which paid for transportation to and from both concerts. We do hope that in the future we can collaborate with Louisville Youth Choruses for future events. The grant was the start of amazing opportunities for our rural youth in Breckinridge County.
Stories by Rebecca Brown

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