Success StoryScam Red Flags and Avoiding Fraud
Scam Red Flags and Avoiding Fraud
Author: Jill Harris
Planning Unit: Todd County CES
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Plan of Work: Enhance Life Skills and Build Consumer Awareness
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Fraud can happen to anyone. According to the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging 2019 Fraud Book, it is estimated that older Americans lose at least $2.9 billion per year to financial exploitation schemes and scams. Other groups pose estimates that are even higher, and many agree that fraud is underreported. The best way to protect yourself from financial fraud and scams is to be aware of the tactics con artists use and learn to recognize red flags so you can avoid being tricked.
To increase consumer knowledge on fraud and fraud prevention, the Todd County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences taught one in-person workshop and 2 zoom classes titled “Scam Red Flags and Avoiding Fraud.” The objectives placed educational emphasis on:
- Understanding the tricks and tactics a con artist might use.
- Naming “red flag” promises.
- Knowing how to protect against fraud.
- Knowing where to report potential fraud.
At least 39 consumers participated in the workshops and 28 completed evaluations: 100% percent of respondents indicated they were able to understand the tricks and tactics a con artist might use; 93% percent felt confident in their ability to name at least two “red flag” promises; 100% percent now know two ways to protect themselves from fraud; and 97% percent can name at least one organization to which you can report potential fraud. Of those who participated, 96% percent indicated they plan to reduce the number of offers received by joining a list or by hanging up on or avoiding unknown callers, and 100%percent plan to report potential fraud and scams.
As a result of the program, one participant noted "This was a great review of tactics plus I learned several new ones. Glad to get a list of Red Flags." Others plan to share the information with others and double check anything that doesn't seem right.
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