Enhance Life Skills and Build Consumer AwarenessPlan of Work
Todd County CES
Enhance Life Skills and Build Consumer Awareness
Empowering Youth, Individuals and Families to Succeed
Agents Involved:
Lee Ann McCuiston, Jill Harris
Financial Education - General
Food Preparation and Preservation
Promote positive personal finance behaviors prepares Kentuckians for any future economic shift. The United States has been in an extremely long period of economic expansion; however, expansions are cyclical, meaning growth is eventually followed by recession. Securing financial stability for Kentuckians will help families thrive no matter the economic outlook. Financial stability is achieved when families are able to secure and manage resources needed to supply food, clothing, and shelter. Through increased financial knowledge, families may be able to make wise financial decisions, increase buying power, avoid overextended credit, develop savings habits, and manage risks.
All youth, individuals and families in Todd County need to enhance their economic opportunities and quality of life by learning how to further obtain and use the resources at their disposal, including money, time, human capital, material resources and community services. The Todd County 4-H program currently focuses on the four basic needs of youth in every family situation encompassed in the research validated “Circle of Courage.” These four basic needs include: the spirit of belonging, the spirit of mastery, the spirit of independence, and the spirit of generosity. Furthermore, youth must develop life skills throughout their stages in development that include: personal development; communicating; working and relating with others; problem solving and decision making; acquiring, analyzing and using information; and managing resources. The Todd County 4-H program plans to develop these life skills in youth to fulfill the 4 basic needs of youth identified in the Circle of Courage.
A national study released by National 4-H Council in 2007 establishes the fact that the more time youth spend participating in youth development program such as 4-H, the more likely they are to experience positive youth development and contribute to their communities. Participation in after school or community 4-H programs is particularly important for low-income children. The Todd County 4-H program will build protective factors in a young person’s environment to promote resiliency and thriving behavior. The Extension Service can provide programming in areas that will enable youth to develop practical living skills that will help them make informed and effective decisions to improve their quality of life. In addition, the youth will have opportunities to develop these skills that will aid them in continuing education and gainful employment.The development of communications skills is one of the preeminent life skills necessary to grow as an individual, a community member and a leader. Using age appropriate activities selected from the approved Kentucky 4-H Communication & Expressive Arts Curriculum, educators can maximize the ability of youth to develop their writing, reading and personal communication capacities. This in turn creates a solid foundation for positive youth development (Jones, K. R. 2006) Research also shows a positive association between arts participation and a number of desirable academic and social outcomes, such as school grades, test scores, enrollment in post-secondary education, attainment of a bachelor’s degree, and higher levels of literacy and civic engagement. (Child Trends, 2012) Kentucky 4-H provides communication and expressive arts by engaging youth in hands-on educational experiences that inspire confidence and foster a love for the arts. Programs and projects are offered in the areas of public speaking, visual arts, and performing arts.
Long-Term Outcomes:
4-H Youth and other youth involved in 4-H programming will:
--Improve their academic standing and job readiness skills that will lead to gainful employment.
--Increase practical living skills and make more effective decisions.--Become more aware of disaster preparedness.
--Become a contributing member of society.--Youth will utilize the skills gained to serve as leaders in 4-H and other organizations.
--Youth will share the elements of the music, dance, drama and visual arts with their community
--Youth will be advocates for the arts
- Better family money management skills, such as reducing debt, increasing savings, and financial planning.
- More effective employees and community leaders.
- Improved financial capability for Kentuckians, results in better quality of life and stronger families.
Intermediate Outcomes:
4-H Youth and other youth involved in 4-H programming will:
--Practice communication and team work skills among peers.
--Develop thoughts and present them orally and effectively to a group in the communications contest.
--Build strong decision making and oral communication skills in judging clinics and contests.
--Safely operate and maintain a camera, bicycle, firearm or other equipment with mastery
--Study more effectively.
--Gain confidence in front of a group.
--Balance a check book.
--Save money and decrease debt.
--Interview for a position and prepare a resume.
--Prepare a 4-H project such as foods, dog, clothing, wood, etc.
--Communicate positively with their parent(s)/family more frequently.---Practice disaster preparedness and prevention techniques in the event of a disaster.
- Practice one or more resource management behaviors resulting in increased savings or investments.
- Adopt financial planning strategies for short-, mid-, and long-term goals.
Initial Outcomes:
4-H Youth and other youth involved in 4-H programming will:
--Learn what educational opportunities away from home are available and how to attend.
--Acquire study skills and memorization techniques.
--Learn how to communicate effectively, make informed and effective decisions.
--Gain knowledge in clothing selection, design, and construction.
--Learn how to be responsible for oneself away from home (managing money and resources).
--Learn how to exhibit self-confidence in front of a crowd.--Learn how to research a topic and present it to a group of peers, family, etc.
--Learn life skills (cooking, sewing, budgeting, managing, and working, etc.).
- Increased knowledge and skills related to managing financial resources, including savings, credit, and financial planning.
- Change knowledge, opinions, skills, and aspirations, to improve employability through work and practical living skills and continuing education practices.
- Increase financial literacy (knowledge and skills) related to savings and investments.
Outcomes to be evaluated
Youth plan and implement a communication and expressive arts project (speech, demonstration, drama, photography, etc.
Indicator of Success for Outcome
- Youth complete a communication and expressive arts project
- Method of Evaluation- 4-H Common Measures Experience Survey
- Number of youth who completed a speech or demonstration? (intermediate)
- Number of youth who completed a state fair arts, photography, or other visual arts project? (intermediate)
- Number of youth who completed a drama, music, or dance project? (intermediate)
- Number of youth who indicated “yes or usually” to the Common Measures Experience Survey Question #6 “Is 4-H A place where you get to figure out things for yourself?” (Long term)
- Number of youth who indicated “yes or usually” to the Common Measures Experience Survey Question #13 “Is 4-H a place where you have a chance to be a leader?” (Long term)
The impact of summer 4-H camp in July will be determined by an end of camp survey developed by the camping evaluation committee. Initial outcomes will be determined such as: the acquisition of responsibility, independence, conflict resolution and the acquisition of other skills in campers while at camp.
The impact of the 4-H speech and demonstration contest will be determined by a classroom survey and a featured program, follow up survey in the spring assessing leadership and communication skills gained through the program.FCS
Outcome: Increased awareness of sound financial behaviors
Indicator(s): Number of individuals who implemented at least one strategy to reduce expenses or manage money
Number of individuals who made a sound financial decision (regarding credit, budgeting, savings, and/or debt)
Method: Retroactive pre-post
Timeline: Following financial education workshops
Outcome: Increase knowledge and skills related to managing financial resources
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting increased levels of understanding in the area: confidence in handling money issues or specific financial matters
Method: Retroactive pre-post
Timeline: Following financial education workshops
Outcome: Increase knowledge and skills related to estate planning
Indicator: Number of individuals who took action toward implementing at least one estate planning strategy in regard to the subject matter presented
Method: Retroactive pre-post
Timeline: Following financial education workshops
Learning Opportunities:
4-H Youth Development Agent and volunteer leaders will:
--Train all 4th and 5th grade students and community club members on proper public speaking during the January school club meetings.
--Train leaders to work with youth in livestock and horse judging, speeches, and demonstrations and other projects during monthly club meetings.
--Coordinate 4-H project club meetings and activities including horse, shooting sports, clothing, cooking, crafts, dog, etc., throughout the year.
--Provide opportunities for teens to attend teen retreats, council meetings, and other teen activities throughout the 4-H year.
--Coordinate the Reality Store for 8th grade students in May.
--Provide a week long summer 4-H camp for 9-14 year old 4-H members in July.
--Coordinate the 4-H Talk Meet program in the school clubs and county 4-H Clubs from January through April.
--Provide opportunities for youth to get involved in community service through the performing arts troupe program and other services.---Provide opportunities for youth to attend the Mannrs conference in December.
Audience: Public
Project or Activity: Super Star Chef Baking Skills
Content or Curriculum: FCS
Inputs: FCS Agents
Date: July 2023
Audience: Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: Healthy Eating Around the World
Content or Curriculum: FCS
Inputs: FCS Agents
Date: November 2023
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Scam Red Flags and Avoiding Fraud
Content or Curriculum: Good Credit Game
Inputs: FCS Agent, curriculum publications and resources, Good Credit Game set
Date: March 2024
Project or Activity: Financial Education
Content or Curriculum: Real Skills for Everyday Life
Inputs: FCS Agent, Youth Service Center Advisor
Date: April 2024
Audience: Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: Organizing Tipes for Increased Productivity
Content or Curriculum: FCS
Inputs: Ag & FCS Agents
Date: February 2024
Audience: Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: Health Literacy for the Win
Content or Curriculum: FCS
Inputs: FCS Agents
Date: June 2024
Success Stories
Super Star Chef Improves Cooking Skills
Author: Jill Harris
Major Program: Super Star Chef

The Todd County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences Education partnered with the Todd County Family Resource and Youth Service Centers (FRYSC) to offer a 3-day Super Star Chef Camp to 20 youth. The Todd County Extension NEP Assistant and FCS Agent delivered the instruction, the 4-H agent assisted with physical activity, and 6 adults served as group leaders. Pre- and post-test were administered to all students. A comparison of responses showed an increase in participant un
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Participants Gain Skills in Home Food Preservation Class
Author: Jill Harris
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

People choose to can foods at home for many reasons: to preserve the harvest from their gardens or local farmers markets for year-round enjoyment; to gain more control over what is in their food by limiting or avoiding salt, sugar, or preservatives; to save money; to get better-tasting canned foods; to follow family traditions; or just for the sense of satisfaction that home canning provides. Home canning has changed over the last 200 years. Scientists have found ways to produce safer, higher qu
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Connecting New or Expectant Mothers to Resources Through Community Baby Shower
Author: Jill Harris
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
The Kentucky Kids County Data book says that “A healthy pregnancy provides infants a strong start in life, yet barriers like lack of health insurance, not hearing about available programs, ongoing discrimination, and social and economic factors keep some families from connecting to these supports.” To help address this need, the Todd County Cooperative Extension Service Family and Consumer Science Agent collaborated with representatives from community agencies to sponsor our 27
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Ready, Set, Bake - Scones
Author: Jill Harris
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Baking is an art as well as a science. It is precise as well as intuitive. The ingredients that go into baking are simple—flour, leavening agents, liquid, salt, and others. When combined, these ingredients form something wonderfully complex and delicious. Recipes are often passed down through generations; but the skill is not. Because of recent the pandemic, more people have turned to baking. Because of the interest, the Todd County FCS Agent taught tw
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Scam Red Flags and Avoiding Fraud
Author: Jill Harris
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Fraud can happen to anyone. According to the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging 2019 Fraud Book, it is estimated that older Americans lose at least $2.9 billion per year to financial exploitation schemes and scams. Other groups pose estimates that are even higher, and many agree that fraud is underreported. The best way to protect yourself from financial fraud and scams is to be aware of the tactics con artists use and learn to recognize red flags so you can avoid being tricked.To increase c
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The Pasta-bilities are Endless after Learning how to Make Italian Food at Home
Author: Jill Harris
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Gatherings focused on learning about cooking, particularly Italian cuisine, hold profound significance beyond simply mastering culinary techniques. These gatherings foster a sense of community and connection, providing a platform for individuals to share cultural traditions and stories through the universal language of food. Exploring Italian cuisine, renowned for its rich history and diverse regional flavors, not only cultivates culinary skills but also deepens appreciation for cultural heritag
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment