Success StoryTraining New Master Gardener Volunteers
Training New Master Gardener Volunteers
Author: Adam Leonberger
Planning Unit: Franklin County CES
Major Program: Master Gardener
Plan of Work: Strengthening Knowledge and Awareness of Agriculture and Horticulture in Franklin County
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Kentucky Master Gardener Program is an intensive fourteen week series of classes focusing on various aspects of horticulture. While it does benefit the participants, the primary goal is to train new volunteers to be better gardeners and stewards of the land, as well as grow in their leadership skills and in community involvement. Each person who completes the program must return 40 hours of community service through the Cooperative Extension Service during the first year after the completion of the program and 20 hours each year after that.
Franklin County CES and Woodford County CES cooperatively held a class of nineteen students. While the participants varied in age and backgrounds, they all had the love gardening in common. Since the class ended, many participants have already begun plans to start or assist with gardens in the community and are beginning to use better and more sustainable methods in their landscapes and gardens.
There were nineteen students that completed the program this year. Each are required to return at least 40 hours of service back into the community to become certified. That makes a total of 760 volunteer hours. The Independent Sector Coalition estimates that the dollar value of volunteer time is $26.85 per hour resulting in $20,406 of value to Franklin, Anderson, and Woodford County residents.
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