Success StoryMeeting Nutritional Needs in After Care

Meeting Nutritional Needs in After Care

Author: Sandra Kennedy

Planning Unit: Clark County CES

Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome

The After Care staff had some concerns about the sugary snacks and drinks they were consuming. The leader at the school consulted with the extension assistant to find other healthy snacks and drink alternatives they could make themselves.  

One of the youth nutrition programs Extension provides is LEAP. This program focuses on Literacy, Eating and Activity for Primary Students K-4 grades.  Each curriculum lesson consists of a handout and a book related to a specific topic. 

On this visit we introduced Rodeo Ron and His Milkshake Cows to 28 students, along with the Dairy Lesson for healthier drink choices. We explained that to have healthy bones and a bright smile dairy foods and drinks in amounts of three one cup servings of calcium enriched foods that includes, cheese, milk, and yogurt.  

We made Rodeo Ron’s milkshakes in reusable water bottles, while doing physical activity by shaking them to blend as the cows did in the story.  They also made Cow Masks for the pictures.  

The recipe was taken by all 28 students to share with their families and friends.