PersonKentucky Extension Reporting System


Sandra Kennedy

Program Areas

  • Family and Consumer Science

  • Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program

Success Stories

  • 12


    Teaching Diverse Audiences with Teen Cuisine

    The Migrant Education Director contacted the Senior Nutrition EducationProgram Assistant in search of educational programs for Hispanic students inmiddle and high school for the summer. Considering th...

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  • 13


    Moving Toward Good Nutrition in Recovery

    Getting the proper nutrition in a recovery center can be difficult when you cantchoose the foods that you eat. Having restrictions can take a toll on the body as awhole. Healthy Choices for Your Recov...

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  • 26


    Meeting Nutritional Needs in After Care

    The After Care staff had some concerns about the sugary snacks and drinks they were consuming. The leader at the school consulted with the extension assistant to find other healthy snacks and drink al...

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  • 20


    Team Building in Recovery Through Nutrition

    Building relationships and trust while in recovery can be difficult for those living with addiction. The lack of proper nutrition was evident upon first visit to the New Day Recovery Center. Available...

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