Success StorySuper Stars in the Kitchen
Super Stars in the Kitchen
Author: Kelsey Sebastian
Planning Unit: Perry County CES
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Plan of Work: Home Gardening, Food Preservation, and Food Preparation
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Perry County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Kelsey Sebastian, in partnership with the University of Kentucky SNAP Education program, conducted the 3-day Super Star Chef program for 16 youth in the Perry County community. Youth attended the 3 day Super Star Chef Camp for kids ages 9 to 12 years old. The camp was developed by the University of Kentucky and the Nutrition Education Program to teach students how to make healthy recipes that they can take home and share with their families safely.
According to Kentucky by the Numbers data from 2017, 17.8% of the youth population in Perry County is living in poverty, and 2,796 youth under the age of 18 are living in households that receive supplemental security income, cash public assistance, or food stamps/SNAP. Because a high percentage of Perry County youth live in households where food insecurity and food safety are issues, it is important for them to learn how to prepare healthy, safe, foods for themselves and their families.
Pre-test given on the first day indicated 9 of the 16 participants indicated they had no previous cooking experience before attending.
Post survey responses indicated 100 % of participants said they know how to practice correct hand washing skills. 100% of participants said they learned the correct way to hold and use a knife. 100 % increased their knowledge about what is in a recipe and know how to make the recipes at home. 100% learned how to read nutrition label and use MyPlate information on a daily basis.
The Super Star Chef program reached 15 different families in Perry County, most of which receive government/SNAP benefits. These programs are important, because youth learn how to plan meals and how to prepare foods properly that they and their family members can enjoy together.
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