Success StoryUrban Tree Plan Adopted and Implemented
Urban Tree Plan Adopted and Implemented
Author: Paul Andrew Rideout
Planning Unit: Henderson County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Commercial
Plan of Work: Best Practices
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Urban Tree Plan Adopted and Implemented
Urban landscape can be a struggle to maintain and plan for long term beautification. Many municipality budgets don’t allow for proper urban tree management.
Early in 2019, the Henderson Downtown Initiative contacted the Extension Office to help with a few selected streetscape tree maintenance issues. Several conversations over the next month led to identifying the need to better manage the health and replacement of the downtown treescape.
Working with University of Kentucky’s Urban Tree Initiative, Henderson County Extension, and Henderson County master Gardeners, we were able to complete a comprehensive tree inventory in the downtown district. Data collected included: tree species, tree overall health, root or height problems, and tree trunk diameter. Data was collected using ArcGis Tree Inventory software. The City of Henderson provided access to software and large format printer. Over 160 trees were mapped with corresponding data in a 12 block area.
The data collected has allowed us to predict the life expectancy of the downtown trees and better plan for replacing in a timely manner. Just as important, the map allowed us to identify over 75 opportunities to add trees. Many of the trees that have been replaced recently needed some maintenance such as pruning or staking. Identifying these needs on a interactive map will help the Henderson County Parks department better address the maintenance needs.
A full urban tree plan was then presented to City Commissioners and was adopted. In 2021-2022, over 52 trees were replaced with carefully chosen species. The city of Henderson has supported this plan and continues to do so. Henderson County Extension Office has started the next phase of mapping out a local cemetery as well as downtown central park with the same purpose in mind.
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