Success StorySavoring the Eating Experience: The Art of Eating Mindully
Savoring the Eating Experience: The Art of Eating Mindully
Author: Lynnette Allen
Planning Unit: Breckinridge County CES
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Plan of Work: Improving community wellness through nutrition, physical activity and safety
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Research shows that mindfulness strategies have positive effects on multiple areas of wellness.
Those who practice mindful eating have increased awareness of what they eat and why, have healthier eating habits aligned with MyPlate recommendations, and may see improved diabetes self-management and weight management over time. Implementing mindful eating practices helps individuals remove judgment around eating behaviors and creates a more positive eating experience.
The Breckinridge County Extension FCS Agent held six workshops in W5, W6 & C5 areas in April 2023 to encourage mindful eating practices with the Extension Homemakers. The program focused on identifying mindless and mindful eating behaviors,
and participants learned seven practical steps to increase mindful eating in their lives. Extension developed this program to teach people how to focus on food with no distractions, creating an eating experience with increased awareness that is judgment- and guilt-free. The goal of this program is to increase knowledge about mindful eating and how to incorporate this practice into daily routines.
Twenty-three people participated in the workshops. The participants attended the workshops as club leaders who will share the materials through the May Homemaker Club meetings. Of those surveyed following the program, 95% and 100% indicated they had a better understanding of types of mindless and mindful eating behaviors, respectively, and 100% increased their level of understanding for ways to incorporate mindfulness into their daily lives. Additionally, 95% of participants intend to limit distractions that keep them from eating mindfully and 100% intend to incorporate one new mindfulness strategy into their daily routine to create a healthier relationship with food.
One participant noted the most important thing from this program they plan to apply to their life is being more mindful of eating habits that re good for my body.
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