Success StoryFunctional Fridays Teach Life Skills in Breckinridge County
Functional Fridays Teach Life Skills in Breckinridge County
Author: Lynnette Allen
Planning Unit: Breckinridge County CES
Major Program: Child Development Programs
Plan of Work: Building life skills among all ages
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Life skills continue to be identified as essential programming that families and youth in Breckinridge County need to be productive and contributing citizens. Upon the request from middle school resource teachers and to assist with life skill development for middle school resource students, the Breckinridge County FCS agent meets monthly with a group of 18 students for the Functional Friday lessons. FCS and 4-H Extension curriculum and publications are utilized to teach lesson topics such as handwashing and personal hygiene, healthy eating with my Plate, my space/my room: basic house cleaning, personal safety and sharing kindness with others. Individual personal care kits were provided for students to practice daily dental care and personal hygiene habits. A December lesson empathized kindness and caring for others with a holiday gift craft to share with loved ones. Lesson reviews are conducted at the beginning of each session to help students recall the purpose of Functional Fridays. Students are able to recall lesson highlights and share skill development stories. Extension publications and newsletters are shared with the students for outreach to the entire family unit. Functional Fridays provide the opportunity for personal development for a group of students that often are underserved due to their limited academic ability. The program allows the eager participants to learn and apply the everyday life skills that all young people need to live happy and productive lives.
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