Success StoryHealthy Pioneers
Healthy Pioneers
Author: Barbara Campbell
Planning Unit: Fleming County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Fleming County has four Elementary Schools, one of those four has a new program called Friday Club Day. The Fleming County Snap-Ed assistant, along with help from a volunteer, is teaching a Beginning Cooking Class during the club time. The name of the class is Pirate Pioneers (because they are pioneers in cooking). The ages for the classes are 3rd thru 6th grades for the morning class of 18 students and Kindergarten thru 2nd grade for the afternoon class of 12 students.
Each Friday before doing any cooking we have a class out of Professor Popcorn or Healthy Choices Curriculum. On one particular Friday we were discussing how important it is to read the labels while grocery shopping. That day the food was going to be grilled cheese sandwiches so the NEP assistant compared the labels on real cheese products to that of the processed sandwich slices, and we also talked about how important milk and milk products are to our bodies.
The next day, Saturday, a text message was received by the assistant from a 4-h agent telling her that while she was at the store her 1st grade daughter told her she was shopping all wrong. That she was supposed to read the labels and buy healthier foods and that she also needed to quit drinking pop and start drinking milk.
Both the agent and her husband are very health conscience but thought it was great that her daughter was learning about things such as looking at the labels while shopping.
Although the NEP assistant was concerned about doing this type of class with such young children it just proves that you never know when a child is listening to what you are teaching.
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