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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success StoryExtension Marketing through Social Media

Extension Marketing through Social Media

Author: Jay Stone

Planning Unit: Lyon County CES

Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

Plan of Work: Expanding Opportunities for Technology, Sustainability, and Environmental Stewardship

Outcome: Initial Outcome

Agriculture Awareness ranks as a top priority for the Hopkins County Ag Advisory Council. Among the methods of reaching people, the use of social media rose to the top this year as a means of engaging both Ag and Non-Ag sectors of our population. A social media plan was developed and implemented by the Hopkins County Extension Agent for Agriculture. Social media has been identified as an important delivery method because you must engage people where they are. And most of the 98% of non-farmers are on social media every day.

Social media is unlike any other form of marketing. It is a platform in which you can create awareness, build a digital authentic connection, then engage and retain a community. Our plan focused on Facebook and Snap Chat. A Professional Facebook friends page was developed with 494 followers in June of 2021, and 716 followers in June 2022, a 31% increase in one year. Followers are an indication of awareness but reach and engagement are crucial to building and maintaining community on Facebook. In 2021, the page had a reach of 219 people and year to date Hopkins County Agriculture Extension has reached 635 people. Engagement numbers are on target to increase 11% this year over last.
These numbers have resulted in new clientele utilizing the Cooperative Extension Service digitally, new clientele participating in programs, increased awareness about agriculture trending topics with opportunities to engage in discussions, served as a platform for commodity awareness campaigns, and served as reminders to extension users about programs and topics.

Stories by Jay Stone

Area Podcast continues to increase Programming opportunities for Producers.

about 9 months ago by Jay Stone

To meet the educational needs of todays Producer requires Agents to learn and adapt to new ways to c... Read More

Equine Owner's Utilize Extension Information

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Stories by Lyon County CES

Empowering Future Leaders: Teen Leadership Academy Cultivates Middle School Leaders

Empowering Future Leaders: Teen Leadership Academy Cultivates Middle School Leaders

about 8 months ago by Mary Beth Riley

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Cloverbud Program Engages Younger Students to be a part of Lyon County 4-H

Cloverbud Program Engages Younger Students to be a part of Lyon County 4-H

about 8 months ago by Mary Beth Riley

Lyon County 4-H Cloverbud Program has seen remarkable growth this year, successfully engaging over 7... Read More