Success StoryInnovative Program Delivery methods attract both old and new audiences
Innovative Program Delivery methods attract both old and new audiences
Author: Jay Stone
Planning Unit: Lyon County CES
Major Program: Farm Management, Economics and Policy
Plan of Work: Expanding Opportunities for Technology, Sustainability, and Environmental Stewardship
Outcome: Initial Outcome
KY Ag Matters
Over the past 2 years, we have all learned new ways to connect with people. Even during a global pandemic, businesses found ways to continue to meet the needs of their clientele and families found ways to stay connected without gathering in person. Stepping out of our comfort zones to learn new skills quickly became the new normal.
The pandemic is nearly over, but learning and adapting to new ways to connect to our clientele is still a priority. After attending a podcasting session at the University of Kentucky, Cooperative Extension Service, 2021 ANR update, Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agents in Webster, Hopkins and Mclean counties explored the idea of podcasting as part of their already existing Tri-County Ag Extension Group programs. After researching different podcasts, equipment needs, editing software and podcast platforms, exploring podcasting quickly turned to starting a podcast.
KY Ag Matters is a podcast to educate and inform our listeners about all things related to agriculture. We recorded our first podcast on November 29th, 2021. As of July 12, 2022, we have recorded 22 podcasts with a variety of topics ranging from bale grazing to disease management in corn and soybeans; and carbon credits to pond management and many more. Our guests range from UK Extension Specialists to commodity group leaders, as well as, extension agents and law enforcement officers. Our goal is to offer timely, research-based information to the agriculture community in a consistent and reliable way. We now have approximately 50 weekly listeners across the United States. Being in the infancy stage of this type of program, reporting impact is challenging. Raising awareness and building credibility with our listeners is the starting point for long-term impact. KY Ag Matters podcast is a priority program for the Tri-County Ag Extension Group and plans are being made to extend our reach and be able to measure how the podcast truly impacts our listeners. Stay tuned…and remember, KY Ag Matters.
Stories by Jay Stone
Area Podcast continues to increase Programming opportunities for Producers.
To meet the educational needs of todays Producer requires Agents to learn and adapt to new ways to c... Read More
Equine Owner's Utilize Extension Information
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