Success StorySafe and Sober Prom
Safe and Sober Prom
Author: Molly Jordan
Planning Unit: Bracken County CES
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health – 4-H Youth Development
Plan of Work: Healthy Lifestyles for Bracken County Residents
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcohol is the most abuse substance among adolescents in the United States. As the end of the school year approaches, proms and graduations mark memorable nights in a young person’s life. The Bracken County 4-H and the Bracken County FRYSC, understood that part of combating underage drinking is being open and honest about the outcomes of alcohol. The Safe and Sober Prom event is a collaboration between Bracken County 4-H, Bracken County FRYSC, Bracken County EMS, and various other community emergency respond agencies.
The Safe and Sober prom event is a day set aside for Augusta Independent Schools and Bracken County High School junior and seniors to see the outcomes of drinking and driving. The day begins with a video showing friends partying and drinking before attending prom. After the video goes black and sounds of crunching metal are heard the students are escorted to the parking lot where they see a mock crash and the victims in the vehicles. The students watch as they see their friends in these wrecked vehicles being cut out with jaws of life and extracted by emergency personnel. The student that was actually drinking and driving is taken into police custody and escorted to the jailer. After the scence is cleared and the victims are loaded into ambulances or air-cared, the students then load school buses to head to the judicial center. At the judicial center, the students see the accused driving being escorted into the courtroom. The students witness, testimony from the other victims as lawyers defend their respective cases. After the case closes, the presiding judge talks to the students about the various charges and consequences of drinking and driving. The conclusion of the Safe and Sober Prom Event, were local guest speakers who lost a son due to drinking. Their son’s story did not involve driving rather alcohol poisoning. They really opened the students eyes as to signs to look for in regards of alcohol poisoning and that is was ok to say no to drinking. Overall, the Safe and Sober Prom Event was eye opening for many. The teachers were noted as saying that students were very emotional and understanding of the topic that was presented.
Stories by Molly Jordan

Safe and Sober Prom
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Stories by Bracken County CES

Safe and Sober Prom
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