Success StoryS.M.A.R.T. Goal at Leadership Bootcamp
S.M.A.R.T. Goal at Leadership Bootcamp
Author: Crystal Smith
Planning Unit: Letcher County CES
Major Program: Leadership
Plan of Work: Developing Responsible Youth and Families--2020
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The skills gained through the Kentucky 4-H leadership program prepare youth for the workforce, the leadership bootcamp has the same goal. Senior level 4-H’ers are invited to the Kentucky 4-H Leadership Bootcamp to learn about and practice skills they can immediately implement in their 4-H career and beyond. Letcher County had 1 youth member completed the experience in 2022. Allison had the opportunity to participate in exercises that empowered her to lead within the community at an at state level as a State Teen Council Member.
4-H Leadership Boot Camp met with current and former Kentucky 4-H State Officers, 4-H Agents, 4-H Specialists, members of the Kentucky 4-H Foundation, and representatives of the University of Kentucky Career Center. Allie had the opportunity to learn and practice skills related to public speaking, interviewing, resume writing, etiquette, goal setting, and teambuilding.
1 delegate from Letcher County completed the end of experience evaluation along with 19 others. Through 4-H Leadership Bootcamp 95% of respondents feel more confident in their public speaking abilities, 85% feel more confident in their resume, and 100% feel more confident in their interview skills. Respondents reported that they will use their new knowledge:
- Allison said she wanted to improve my county Teen club.
• In interviewing and submitting applications for jobs and future leadership in 4-H.
• Sharing and teaching these lessons learned to other 4-Hers.
• These lessons will help me make future decisions about my life.
• I can use these skills to contribute at the local Extension office and in the real world.
• I can use these skills in class to be a more confident speaker.
• Through this experience I learned to clearly communicate my ideas and control situations, that is something I hope to bring to future meetings.
• I learned appropriate etiquette in professional settings.
• I am more comfortable in my communication abilities. I will use these skills to better myself for upcoming interviews.
As a 4-H agent I thought youth delegates in leadership bootcamp 4-H S.M.A.R.T. goals which stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. I taught youth ideas for your Learning to Lead Plan of Action.
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