Success StoryThe true meaning of 4-H
The true meaning of 4-H
Author: Crystal Smith
Planning Unit: Letcher County CES
Major Program: Leadership
Plan of Work: Developing Responsible Youth and Families--2020
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The true meaning of 4-H was revealed to me at a time in my career when I needed it the most. There are times as a 4-h agent when we work theses extremely long days and nights that I wounder is what I am doing in Letcher County making a difference. This year I was given a very special letter that one of the Teen Members and Secretary for the teen club have written to say what a difference the 4-H program has made for her. Ava Burton was a senior and had applied for a scholarship. I was given a copy of the letter that was written. Ava started her 4-H journey with me when she was in 8th grade but did not get very involved until she was a freshman in high school. 4-H has helped her in many ways, but the one thing that she has learned is that it has made her a very outspoken person. When Ava first cam e to 4-H she was a very quiet and shy person with very little self-confidence. Since Ava has joined 4-H she doe does not mind speaking in front of new people or a crowd. 4H has taught Ava invaluable skills that will help her to be “successful at college, at home, and in a professional setting”. “4-H gave me a whole new social aspect as well” Through 4-H Ava was provided a way to make new life ling friendships at conferences (teen Conference & Issues Conference) and 4-H Camp, see that camp magic coming through. 4-H has taught her to be able to give back to her community and take pride in it. Letcher County Teen Club has done numerous things in the community and community service projects. At the time I didn’t think that those projects would make such a big impact on the youth or the places that we were helping but they do. The community service projects that she has listed from the animal’s shelter, nursing home valentine’s cards, to the cake walks for Shriner’s Children’s to helping raise money for other 4—hers to go to 4-H camp. This young lady plans to attend college this fall and once she completed her college career, she would like to return to Letcher County as a teacher so that she can continue to give back to her county, and 4-H. What we do as 4-H agents matters to the youth in our communities and across our state.
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The true meaning of 4-H
The true meaning of 4-H was revealed to me at a time in my career when I needed it the most. There a... Read More
Stories by Letcher County CES
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The true meaning of 4-H
The true meaning of 4-H was revealed to me at a time in my career when I needed it the most. There a... Read More
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