Success StoryDollars and Sense
Dollars and Sense
Author: Brian Good
Planning Unit: Bell County CES
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Plan of Work: Financial Education
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Bell County 4-H recently conducted a consumer literacy program at Lone Jack School. The program is named Dollars and Sense. It teaches middle school students about being responsible consumers. According to the 2019 Most and Least Financially Literate States report, Kentucky ranks 45th in the nation for financial literacy. Much of what students learn about finances and consumerism begins at an early age. The 4-H agent spoke to the students prior to the program about needs and wants. The students were then given a budget of $100. There were 12 stations (stores) that they visited and made purchases at each one. The goal for the students was to have money remaining after completing each station. The stations provided options from low tiers to higher priced options. Taxes ($20) were taken out of their money and a crystal ball table was set up to show students that unexpected occurrences can happen. The students also had the option to take a second job to assist in paying their bills. Forty-seven students in sixth and seventh grades participated in the program. Prior to the program, 40% of the students stated that they rarely/occasionally considered the price of at item before purchasing. After the program, over 90% of the students stated that they will always consider the price before purchasing. One student stated, “I hate taxes! I didn’t know I had to pay those. It took a lot of my money! I had to get a second job just to pay for everything.” Due to the success of the program, we will continue to provide this service to all schools in Bell County.
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