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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022

Communications and Expressive ArtsMajor Program


Total Hours




with Local Stakeholders.



of Multistate Efforts.


Total Number

of Volunteers Engaged.

Program Indicators

Number of youth who indicated “yes or usually” to the Common Measures Experience Survey Question #13 “Is 4-H a place where you have a chance to be a leader?” (SEEC)


Number of youth who indicated “yes or usually” to the Common Measures Experience Survey Question #6 “Is 4-H A place where you get to figure out things for yourself?” (SEEC)


Number of youth who completed a drama, music, or dance project (PRACTICE)


Number of youth who completed a state fair arts, photography, or other visual arts project (PRACTICE)


Number of youth who completed a speech or demonstration (PRACTICE)



Sketching A Brighter Future

A shy camper decided to attend 4-H camp for the first time in summer of 2021. She struggled with the small groups she had to interact with and spent a good amount of time homesick. To combat this, CEA 4-H Sharee Rushing, provided this camper with materials to draw—an interest the camper had shared and sat with her while she worked on the project. While not a traditional, “camp activity” this camper excelled at drawing, and was able to find her calm and rejoin her group. While she made the decisi...

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Sketching A Brighter Future

Stories Behind the Numbers

  • 4-Hers Benefit From Art Programs

    Research recognizes the positive benefits and importance of youth involvement in the arts. These beneficial influences include: social interaction, physical development, cognitive development, imagina... Read More

  • Virtual Photo Fridays

    With the COVID-19 Pandemic surging again, Estill County 4-H decided to create a virtual photo Friday series for the youth in the county. This is a full program year series, that hopefully can grow and... Read More

  • 2021 Cloverbud Day Camp Series

    Nelson County 4-H Youth Development Agents worked collaboratively to lead a Cloverbud Day Camp Series for 8 participants ages 5-8. The series took place over a duration of 3, half day intervals, durin... Read More

  • Why We Need The Arts in Times of Crisis

    As we rise to the challenge of our new normal of life in a global pandemic, the role of art has become more central to our lives. In a time of uncertainty, people of all ages are struggling to find wa... Read More

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