Author: Keller
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
Based on feedback from community members, self defense is a topic many have interest in for practical reasons. This introductory program developed by Mike Keller (Hickman Co FCS) in conjunction with community partners gives a general overview of self defense terminology and perceptions, while giving historical examples and backgrounds of martial arts practices. Following the speaking portion, participants were given an opportunity to try some of the basic moves intended for separatio
Author: Jody Paver
FCS, 4-H, and AG programs have worked collaboratively with the community garden at the Lincoln County Health Department and the on site Outdoor Garden Classroom at the Lincoln County Extension Office. The garden was used as a teaching garden and allowed 4-H families, and FCS families and seniors involved in the construction of the beds, the filling with dirt, planting, and sustaining the garden. The SNAP Gardening publications were used along with the Healthy Choices Curriculum, Savo
Author: Kenna Knight
Impact Statement: Recycling Program EnhancementThe Pendleton County Extension Office offered an enhanced recycling program educational effort and drive aimed to encourage more frequent recycling of new items and promote additional sustainable practices within the community.Quantitative results in a follow evaluation and through observation led to our recycling bin having to double it’s service to empty. 99 % of participants have recycling new items. 25 % just started to partici