S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091
+1 (859) 257-4302
Author: Lloyd Saylor
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development
2022 Farm Safety Day Camp In May of 2022 The Butler County Extension Service worked with several community partners to offer the Progressive Agriculture Safety Day Camp for all the 4th graders in our community. All of the office staff worked to make the day a success. The program was held at the extension office because of the unique capabilities of our facility, and the willingness of our staff to support the event. The 4-H agent Lloyd Saylor served on the planning commit
Author: Shelley Crawford
Recent years of tough economic times have increased awareness of the need for financial literacy; however, Americans still have a long way to go toward making improvements. In 2014, the Jump$tart Coalition compiled a series of statistics that state that even though youth intend to work and save dollars, more students have increased 36% from the previous years of student and credit card debt. Youth are not getting the financial education which they will need for adulthood. According to
Author: Jamie Dockery
Home schooling has become an increasingly popular option as parents seek alternatives to traditional classroom education. These parents are often excellent educators, but may not be experts in all subjects. Many turn to community programs for the additional education and social interactions they provide. While our 4-H program offers a home school club, we do not always consider the value of our many adult oriented extension classes for young people. One resourceful family found numerous educatio
Author: Anna Meador
For the past 50 years, the Allen County 4-H Youth Development Program has facilitated the American Private Enterprise Systems (APES) Program for Allen County High School students. The APES Program is designed to “prepare students for an active role in business through direct involvement with business and professional leaders … In doing so, it acquaints students with career opportunities in business and provides leadership training for those serving as officers and committee m
Author: Stephen Conrad
With the advent of social media and “network” gaming, teens of today have become used to everything being within easy reach. The concept of preparing, working toward, and attaining a goal is becoming a lost concept to most. To help the students realize a job is just not going to be handed to them and that the job hunting process requires preparation and dedication, The Boone County Cooperative Extension Service provides a program called Employment 101. Studen
Author: Dora Centers
In a collaborative effort, Knott County 4-H, Knott Co Board of Education, Beaver, Carr Creek, Cordia, Emmalena , Hindman, and Jones Fork Elementary schools through their Family Youth Resource Service Coordinators participated in University of Kentucky’s 2021-22 “It’s Your Reality” program. The program focus is financial literacy and life skills for 7-12th grade students. Knott County’s 8th grade students ta
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment