S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091
+1 (859) 257-4302
Author: Kendal Bowman
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health - ANR
Nestled in rural Kentucky, you will find a tight knit farming community. According to the 2017 Agriculture Census, Owen County Kentucky had 1,308 producers. Currently nationwide, farmers have the highest rate of suicide. Farmers have demanding jobs that are often challenged by economic uncertainty, vulnerability to weather events, and isolation. Rural communities may also have limited access to healthcare and mental health services, which can make it difficult for families to receive support whe
Author: Amanda Potter
Substances Abuse is taking over our families across our state, we are able to say that there is no family that has been missed or without being touched in some way with substance abuse. In Rowan County, we have several rehabilitation centers working with clients trying to help these clients get back on the right track of life. One of the work programs they offer clients in our county is to education clients on getting healthy again.The Rowan County Agriculture Instructor, FCS and AN
Author: Whitney Carman
Mental Health is a buzz word that we are hearing more and more often. There are efforts to bring awareness to and destigmatize mental health challenges. However, according to the CDC suicide is among the top 10 leading causes of death in the US in 2020 among persons 10-64 years of age, and the second leading cause of death among adults 25-34 years of age.Rural living, farm life to be specific, while rewarding, can be incredibly stressful. Farmers and farm families have a unique set of stressors
Author: Nick Roy
Ask any farmer, they know farming is stressful, most know of at least one individual who has committed suicide, or they may know of someone or have concerns about depression about a friend or neighbor. Recent research out of University of Kentucky finds that for every suicide, 135 people are affected. There is a community impact of this mental health crisis which requires a community solution.Through cooperation with the South East Center for Agriculture Health and Injury Prevention, the A
Author: Colby Guffey
Farmers Dinner TheaterWith the age increasing every year for the average farmer, the effects of COVID on mental health, and recent farming accidents across the nation, it was decided to host a farmers’ dinner theater. This event took place on March 8th, 2022 at the Cumberland County Extension Office in conjunction with the Clinton County Extension Office. The audience, which consisted of 45 from three counties, listened and watched two skits put on by local farmers that covered hearing los
Author: Chelsey Anderson
With the age increasing every year for the average farmer, the effects of COVID on mental health, and recent farming accidents across the nation, it was decided to host a farmers’ dinner theater. This event took place on March 8th, 2022 at the Cumberland County Extension Office in conjunction with the Clinton County Extension Office. The audience, which consisted of 45 from three counties, listened and watched two skits put on by local farmers that covered hearing loss, sun safety, hydrati
During the summer of 2021, an email blast was sent out to various agents asking if they would be interested in getting trained in QPR (Question. Persuade. Refer.). This training is to bring awareness to mental health, specifically suicide, within the farming community. The Cumberland County Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) agent decided it was a good fit for the county to be able to offer this programming. The ANR agent partnered with the Family and Consumer Science (FCS) agent and they j
Author: Clinton Hardy
The Daviess County Cooperative Extension Service and the UK College of Nursing conducted the BARN Farm Camp and Dinner Theater on mental wellness and suicide prevention with Daviess and Henderson County high school students in December 2021.Approximately 15 youth attended the two-day BARN youth camp to address mental wellness and suicide in their community. The youth learned about mental wellness, stress, and coping skills during the camp. Camp participants demonstrated statistically significant
Author: Sarah Fannin
The pandemic that has enveloped our world and changed our personal lives continues to wreak havoc on mental well being. This is especially true for health care providers, educators and youth. While wreath making classes pre Covid times were always enjoyable and provided natural resource education, niche income and family enjoyment – an unexpected benefit occurred this year. Practicing distancing and sanitation, sixty five people from ages 15 to 75 enrolled in classes &nda
Author: Joanna Coles
Farmers and farmworkers consistently report high levels of stress associated with commodity production and rural living. The culmination of rural living, farm work, and stress is associated with elevated rates of suicide in farming occupations. A mutual partnership was created between the UK Cooperative Extension Service and the UK College of Nursing to develop the BARN (Bringing Awareness Right Now) Farm Camp and Dinner Theater on mental wellness and suicide prevention in response to farmer str
Author: Leann Martin
Farmers and farmworkers consistently report high levels of stress associated with commodity production and rural living. The culmination of rural living, farm work, and stress is associated with elevated rates of suicide in farming occupations. A mutual partnership was created between the UK Cooperative Extension Service and the UK College of Nursing to develop the BARN Farm Camp and Dinner Theater on mental wellness and suicide prevention in response to farmer stress and suicide. UK Cooperative
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment