S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091
+1 (859) 257-4302
Author: Bernita Cheirs
Major Program: Natural Resources
Due to the Covid-19 related restrictions, Extension agents had to be creative in designing programs for the spring of 2021. The pandemic has brought many new challenges to families in Fulton County. However, one of the more positive outcomes has been a revival of home gardening and importance of family togetherness. The Fulton County Cooperative Extension Service Agents for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Family and Consumer Science, 4-H and Youth Development all partnered together to d
Author: David Embrey
Many people think of recycling as a hassle that is not worth their time or a government program that is of no interest to them. Benefits to the environment such as reduced landfill space and less mining for new materials as well as being paid for recycling aluminum and scrape steel are often overlooked. Shortly after being hired as Edmonson County Extension Agent for ANR/4-H Youth Development Education, this agent began an aluminum can recycling project with the County 4-H program. We colle
Author: Meagan Klee
Environmental Education programs bring school children to camp to learn about the natural world out in nature.Due to COVID-19 and the limitations with group gatherings and fields trips, we were not able to conduct and in-person camp. To still provide an environmental educational experience, Casey County 4-H applied and received a $1,500 grant from TC Energy to provide 150 at-home educational kits for all 4th grade students in Casey County.The environmental education kits included a drawstring ba
With limitation opportunities for 4-H school clubs and educational lessons in the classroom, Casey County 4-H continued with the disbursement of 4-H Educational Kits. Earth Month Weekly Activities: 30 Easter Egg Planter Kits – included an Easter egg and seeds for planting.100 Pollinator Kits – included an activity book with a compilation of activities and facts about bees and other pollinators along with 4 different flavor honey sticks with a tasting activity. Distributed a
Author: Kevin Lindsay
The Fayette County 4-H program currently has 8 members participating in the Natural Resources and Environmental Science Academy. From these 8 participants, 2 members have recently been selected to be Natural Resource Ambassadors. We also have 4 youth participating in Master Naturalist Program group. Natural resources programming continues to play a major role in 4-H programming in Fayette County. We also have several youth participating in our Nature Club. Members of our Natural Resource and Env
Author: Katie Mills
Hopkins County 4-H was able to host a successful Natural Resource Day Camp on June 16, 2021 at Mahr Park Arboretum. The goal for this program day was for youth to better understand how they impact their environment and how they can be the change to improve it. Through the help of multiple community resources, the youth was able to gain valuable knowledge.The event was held at Mahr Park Arboretum that contains a 265 acre park housing wildlife, native trees, plants, walking trails, and
Author: Lloyd Saylor
4-H runs on volunteers, and the motivation of the volunteers. Butler co. has been blessed with super volunteers. After a few years of struggle after the death a beloved leader. Our program has recovered and is growing rapidly. We currently have 7 certified coaches. But not just warm bodies, "Leaders", Great people who work tirelessly for our youth. It has paid dividends. Our youth won 32 separate trophies at last fall's state 4-H Shoo
Author: Madalyn Hale
While a 4-H Youth Development Agent in Fayette County I worked closely with one of the 4-H Program Assistants to apply for an Agriculture Mini Grant through the Kentucky 4-H Foundation with the goal of starting a 4-H Bee Keeping Club. The idea for the club would be to introduce 4-H age youth to the art of bee keeping and allow them new experiences in learning about pollination, bees, hives, honey, and so much more. The intention was to receive the grant to aid in the purchase of the bees, hives,
Author: Lacey Kessell
Due to the pandemic, Boone County public and private schools were unable to attend their annual Environmental Overnight Camp at 4-H North Central. Students that were unable to attend would lose out on the memorable experience and vital environmental education that inspires behavioral change and understanding of the value of nature. Towards the end of the school year, Boone County Public School was able to reopen to full-time, in-person instruction for families who wanted to return (i
Author: Ashley Marcum
With over 1,900 youth enrolled, and more than 850 certified volunteer leaders, shooting sports is one of the largest 4-H programs in the state of Kentucky. Taking the slogan “learn by doing” to heart, the KY 4-H Shooting Sports program is built around hands on learning experiences. Under the guidance of certified instructors, youth have the chance to practice firearm safety and marksmanship in a variety of disciplines including archery, rifle, black powder, shotgun, pistol, and hunti
Author: Blake Newton
During 2020, when face-to-face contacts were dramatically reduced because of COVID-19, the Extension Entomology team at UK used social media to make contacts with Kentuckians. In particular, we focused on our YouTube and Facebook accounts to deliver content related to seasonal entomology topics. Content consisted mostly of short posts with single images or 3-5 minute videos. During 2020, these posts received a total of over 27,000 views. One video, though, on Cicada Killer Wasps, continued to re
Author: Diane Kelley
Kenton County Cooperative Extension surveyed teachers in 3 Kenton County school districts at the end of the 2019-2020 school year requesting input for 4-H natural resource school program lessons. As a result of the surveys and discussion with local teachers even in an abbreviated in person school program year, multiple hands-on science lessons were provided to local Kenton County youth. New lessons were written, and procedures created. Lessons written in prior years were adapte
Author: David Gabbard
For many people in the state, fishing is a favorite hobby that they tend to do alone or in a group/ family setting is coined by some as a “pass time” a skill that can be used to provide food for yourself and your family. The Owen County 4-H Youth Development Agent partnered with Maurice Bowling Middle School to help plan and implement some Natural Resources programs to help educate youth on Ecosystems, Water Quality/ Erosion and Fishing.This Three-Day enrichment series at Maurice Bow
Author: Anna Meador
The pandemic of 2020 brought our entire nation to a screeching halt. Except for first responders, the United States and much of the world were on lock-down for much of the spring and summer. As summer turned into fall and the end of COVID-19 not in sight, a group of agents banded together to see how they could continue to meet the needs of their 4-H clientele. These efforts were led and organized by Allen County 4-H Agent, Anna Meador and Warren County 4-H Agent, Janet Turley. And t
Author: Lorilee Kunze
In the early spring of 2021, Bullitt County Cooperative Extension Service was invited to collaborate in a project with Nichols Elementary to create a school garden and educational program for the garden. As a community, Nichols is used to finding their own resources and support, but they contacted the Extension Service due to previous long term relationships and programs offered by Extension. The Bullitt County Extension Service, the local Public Library branch, Nichols Elementary school s
Author: Alexandria Brasher
Many youth in Henderson County want to learn more about the environment and want to immerse themselves in nature. With Henderson County having a state park, the Ohio and Green River, and many local parks the Henderson County 4-H program decided to utilize the Henderson County Parks Department and utilize one of their large acre parks with fishing ponds to put on a two-day natural resource day camp. During the day camp, students rotated among educational stations that focused on different en
Author: Kelly Woods
Oldham County 4-H Shooting Sports fosters life skills and positive youth development through healthy competition, service, leadership and education. In 2020, the Oldham County Program was suspended due to COVID which meant 2021 was a year of rebuilding the program.At the start of the season, the club had lost seven coaches due to COVID fear and sickness so this was the year of rebuilding the club. The club sent five individuals to become Certified Coaches. Coaches and Coordinators dev
Author: Brian Good
Fishing is an outdoor sport that continues an uphill swing in participation. According to the 2020 Special Report by takemefishing.org, “In 2019, 17% of the U.S. population ages 6 and up went fishing at least one time. This was a 1%-increase since the year before, and it represents a decade-long upward trend in fishing participation.” (pg 4) There were over 50 million people that participated in fishing at least once during 2019. Youth aged 6-12 amounted to 14% of total angers, while
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment