S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091
+1 (859) 257-4302
Author: Nichole Huff
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Flipping a Switch Impact Statement 2021The National Institute on Retirement Security (2021) found that two-thirds of Americans say the nation faces a retirement crisis, with 56% concerned they will not be able to achieve financial security in retirement. COVID-19 only exacerbated this problem as 51% of Americans reported increased concerns about finances in later life. Further, 70% agreed that workers do not have the financial skills necessary to manage their money in retirement.To address these
Author: Dayna Fentress
Kentucky Saves is led by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service as part of the national America Saves campaign. The initiative, which culminates during Kentucky Saves Week the last week of February, encourages individuals and families to save money and build personal wealth. Research suggests that those who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them. The Kentucky Saves Pledge is a tool to help consumers visualize their goals by writing down what they&
“It’s Time to Talk Estate Planning” Impact StatementRegardless of net worth, estate planning is important to protect, and help ensure, your personal and financial goals are realized after death. Unfortunately, many people fail to properly plan for transfer of their possessions and property at the time of death. A properly executed estate plan can reduce family stress, reduce federal and state tax obligations, and allow the estate to be settled in an expedient fashion saving bot
Author: Valerie Holland
Author: Sarah Hanks
During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic personal stress and farm financial stress was a constant concern for Ky producers. Managing a farm business in uncertain times can be extremely difficult. To address the financial and mental stresses those families were dealing with, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension and Agricultural Economics Extension faculty collaboratively developed a virtual program to reach out to producers and their families, “Crossing Through This: Managing Farm and Family in
Author: Rita Stewart
In order to address concerns about the upcoming holidays, all County Extension Agents, the Program Assistant, and the NEP Assistant at the Lincoln County Extension Office worked together to develop and teach the Healthier Holidays for Less Program. This program included nutrition education, nutritious food preparation and recipe demonstrations, budgeting for gifts and food, gift ideas to make, and home decorating ideas. Participants met one and one-half hours weekly via Zoom for five weeks
Author: Deborah Shepherd
Americans spent more than $1 trillion dollars during the holidays in 2018. That number rose another 4.5% in 2019. While holiday spending at an all-time high pre-pandemic, many families across Kentucky may have less to spend during the 2020 holiday season. COVID-19 financial challenges might cause people to adjust their holiday budgets. When tighter budgets are coupled with pandemic-related supply shortages, it is important to learn smarter ways to stretch consumer dollars and resources. To raise
Author: Jane Proctor
Regardless of net worth, estate planning is important to protect, and help ensure, your personal and financial goals are realized after death. Unfortunately many people fail to properly plan for transfer of their possessions and property at the time of death. A properly executed estate plan can reduce family stress, reduce federal and state tax obligations, and allow the estate to be settled in an expedient fashion saving both time and money. Many individuals perceive estate planning as co
Author: Tamera Magee
Financial management is a very important life skill. Many families do not prepare their children for this responsibility. Therefore, they are unaware of how to manage their dollars and can find themselves in debt. The Dropout Prevention and Volunteer Coordinator/Community Education Director invited Franklin Co. agents to participate in the Senior Skills Workshops for high school students. Due to Covid-19, workshops were held virtually. The FCS agent prepared a video using the Where Does Your Mon
Author: Tiffany Bolinger
Financial education programs often highlight financial literacy skills such as budgeting and managing credit card debt; however, these skills do not tap into the emotional and practical issues that cause people to react irrationally with money. Financial decisions are most often motivated by emotional need as opposed to logical knowledge. To address this concern, the Christian County Cooperative Extension Service utilized the Money Habitudes program to emphasize the importance of developing a he
USE LESS, SPEND WI$E Challenge Impact StatementAmericans spent more than $1 trillion dollars during the holidays in 2018. That number rose another 4.5% in 2019. While holiday spending was at an all-time high pre-pandemic, many families across Kentucky had less to spend during the 2020 holiday season due to COVID-19 financial challenges. Travel and social relationships also proved difficult as families considered ways to connect with loved ones while adhering to strict social distancing prot
Kentucky Saves Week 2021 Impact StatementKentucky Saves is led by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service as part of the national America Saves campaign. The initiative, which culminates during Kentucky Saves Week the last week of February, encourages individuals and families to save money and build personal wealth.Research suggests that those who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them. The Kentucky Saves Pledge is a tool to help consumers visualize their goa
Author: Vicki Boggs
FACS Holidays at Home 2020 Road Show Program According to 2019 US Census Data, the median household income in Leslie County is $31,627.00 and 32.3 % of the population of Leslie County is living in poverty.Holidays are often an exciting time of the year. However, holidays in 2020 came with added stress such as holiday spending, Covid-19 quarantines, mental, physical, and financial stressors. Leslie County citizens, especially those living at or below poverty may benefit from access to
Author: Lynnette Allen
Author: Lora Pullin
Financial stress can put individuals in recovery from substance use disorder at risk for relapse, particularly during early stages of recovery. This increased risk is due, in part, to financial stress that people in recovery from substance use disorder often encounter. Through comprehensive financial education training we can expand the capacity of recovery centers and other partners in the community that work with individuals in recovery thereby reducing the likelihood of relapse. To
Author: Denise Wooley
Financial education programs often highlight financial literacy skills such as budgeting and managing credit card debt; however, these skills do not tap into the emotional and practical issues that cause people to react irrationally with money. Financial decisions are most often motivated by emotional need as opposed to logical knowledge. To address this concern, the Graves County Cooperative Extension Service utilized the Money Habitudes program to emphasize the importance of developing a healt
Author: Ronda Rex
Gov. Andy Beshear has proclaimed Feb. 22-26, 2021 as Kentucky Saves Week, sponsored by the Kentucky Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy® as part of the annual America Saves Week campaign. The nonprofit Coalition consists of multiple partners and receives support from the Kentucky Department of Financial Institutions, the Kentucky Department of Education, the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, the Louisville Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Lo
Author: Jennifer Bridge
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment