Success StoryMoney Habitudes Online
Money Habitudes Online
Author: Tiffany Bolinger
Planning Unit: Christian County CES
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Plan of Work: Inspiring the adoption of healthy lifestyle choices to improve overall well-being.
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Financial education programs often highlight financial literacy skills such as budgeting and managing credit card debt; however, these skills do not tap into the emotional and practical issues that cause people to react irrationally with money. Financial decisions are most often motivated by emotional need as opposed to logical knowledge. To address this concern, the Christian County Cooperative Extension Service utilized the Money Habitudes program to emphasize the importance of developing a healthy relationship with money. Assisting an individual in discovering his or her habits and attitudes toward money, can provide insights that can change the way an individual manages his or her money, approach career and relationships, and reach life goals.
Christian County Extension offered the program “Money Habitudes Online.” During March 2021, 99 consumers participated. The program was included in a virtual version of Money Sense for Graduates for the four schools in the county.
Participants were asked to complete an online evaluation survey following the class. Of the 99 survey respondents, 73% indicated they learned how habits and attitudes trigger spending; 70% better know how to manage money to reach financial goals; and 70% had increased confidence in handling money issues or specific financial matters.
Of the survey respondents, 93% indicated they plan to adjust at least one spending habit toward financial stability; 92% plan to be more aware of how money affects relationships; and 96% plan to implement at least one strategy to reduce expenses or manage money.
Of the respondents, 93% agreed they were able to use the Money Habitudes solitaire to better understand their spending and saving behaviors. The most significant things this group plans to apply as a result of this workshop, include: managing money (29 respondents); spending wisely/reducing expenses (19 respondents); saving (15 respondents); making an effort to change one or more habitudes (8 respondents); understanding credit scores/building credit (7 respondents);being responsible/financially stable (6 respondents); awareness of self and others’ expectations (4 respondents); understanding how attitudes trigger spending (3 respondents);and going to college (3 respondents).
One respondent said, “The most significant thing I'll apply would be my credit score. I want to start managing it and learning a little more on how to do it myself. I also will use this to manage my money habits and think before I spend.”
Another said, “I will start to reduce my spending and try to find a way to be stable with my money for the future and emergencies.”
“The most significant thing that I will apply is that I should plan more when using my money. After the evaluation, I realized that I need to set goals and create plans when I use my money,” said another attendee.
Yet another said, “I learned about how much your habits actually affect how you spend your money and if you change some of your habits you could end up saving a lot of money.”
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