S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091
+1 (859) 257-4302
Author: Jane Proctor
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically changed people’s lives. In addition to challenges and struggles related to mental/physical health, finances, supply/demand and food insecurities, people also experienced unexpected upsides. One such silver lining that came from disrupted routines included new hobbies. For example, gardening became a positive pastime that promoted nature, sunshine, physical activity, food, stress relief and relaxation. In addition, gardening contributes to a positive mood
Author: Amanda Sears
The Madison County Horticulture Agent supported commercial horticulture producers this past year in several ways. Specific focus areas were increasing farm revenue and food safety. Highlights include co-hosting programs through an industry partnership with the Kentucky Horticulture Council (KHC) and offering the Produce Best Practices Training.In the spring, the Agent worked with KHC and visited with farmers who were participating in the Kentucky Small Fruits Initiative, a program designed to pr
People seem to busier than ever! And it is increasingly common to hear a client say they wished they could make it to a class or program at the Extension Office but they just do not have the time. The Madison County Extension Horticulture Agent and the Madison County Extension Horticulture Council brainstormed ways to reach clients that do not have the time or capability to come to the office for a meeting.Horticulture classes were recorded and placed on the Madison County Extension Horticulture
The Madison County Cooperative Extension Horticulture Agent offered a series of classes via zoom called "The Impatient Gardener". The goal of this series was to highlight the most important aspects of each featured topic in twenty to thirty minutes. Supplemental publications and resources were sent to the participants in advance of each class. Classes were taught each Wednesday for seven weeks at noon. Classes included:1. Getting Started2. Gardening in Small Spaces3. Backyard Frui
The Madison County Horticulture Agent publishes a monthly newsletter called Pay Dirt. The newsletter disseminates timely horticulture information and advertises upcoming education opportunities. The research-based information is provided by the Horticulture Agent and University of Kentucky Specialists from horticulture, entomology, plant pathology, plant and soil sciences and other departments. Farmer's market and SNAP-ED information is also included. The newsletter is distributed electronic
Author: Raul Villanueva
The department of Entomology extension team offered a webinar series during several weeks in October and December 2020. The objective of this event was to expand the knowledge of growers, CEA, and consultants on pest problems and management. Speakers included Drs. R. Villanueva (Tiny and Mighty Mites in High Tunnels and Greenhouses: Species and Management), R. Bessin (Pesticide Recommendations and Safety, and Veterinary pests), J. Larson (Upcoming Invasive Species, and Pollinators and Stinging I
Author: Rebecca Konopka
The pandemic gave people more time at home to focus on gardening and forced Extension Agents to turn to virtual programming. As a result of this the Carter County Extension Agent for Agriculture & Natural Resources created Ready, Set, Grow: The Seed Series. Videos about various garden topics were posted on Facebook and YouTube. After watching the video, participants could request free seed packets that had been donated to the
Author: Kara Back-Campbell
The horticulture agent presented another Zoom webinar this spring on how to build a wicking garden bed. It utilized a new publication on the steps to construct it. Master gardeners worked together with the agent to build it. The horticulture agent presented the building process to 169 individuals watching via Zoom through the Horticulture webinar series. Lastly a class was taught in partnership with the local library on the building of the bed and also on proper planting. The use of a hybrid in-
Author: Richard Durham
In 2018 I was approached by NEP extension staff to help update existing and develop new home gardening publications for low-literacy audiences. I also enlisted our extension vegetable specialist, Rachael Rudolph, to help. We have published eight peer reviewed extension publications with three of these also translated to Spanish. These publications are being used by state and county NEP, EFNEP, and horticulture extension personnel to develop gardening and nutrition programs in Kentucky counties.
The National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture (NICH, www.consumerhort.org) is an organization of government, academic and industry horticulture professional who are intent on raising the awareness of consumer horticulture importance to the US economy and in the health and well-being of Americans.The Government/Academic council of NICH is populated by the Consumer Horticulture Southern Coordinating Committee (SCC85). A significant outcome of this group in 2020 was the development of sic exten
Author: Chuck Flowers
In order to stay in contact with clients the Ag and FCS agents decided to offer Garden to Go Packets. This allowed clients to come back in the office after being out so long due to Covid. In the packets they were provided ID-128 publication on gardening techniques, variety, disease and other practices for gardens. Clients were given Plate It Up recipes. Each packet contained Healthy Choices information, coloring and Healthy Eating for kid’s books, a gardening calendar, plus all
Author: Benjamin Rudy
Due to the Covid-19 related restrictions, Extension agents had to be creative in designing programs for the spring of 2021. The pandemic has brought many new challenges to families in Fulton County. However, one of the more positive outcomes has been a revival of home gardening and importance of family togetherness. The Fulton County Cooperative Extension Service Agents for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Family and Consumer Science, 4-H and Youth Development all partnered together to d
Author: Amy Aldenderfer
What began as a short term stop-gap for in person programming during the 2020 Pandemic, has become a much-attended weekly horticulture program. Due to the continuing popularity of the Horticulture Webinar Wednesdays program a team of Kentucky Horticulture agents have continued to present weekly Wednesday webinars at 12:30 ET (11:30 CT) as a “lunch and learn” horticultural program. This team also includes agents, specialists, and other experts who present a 30–45-minute horticul
Author: Catherine Webster
The Simpson County Extension Agents for Agriculture and 4-H Youth Development worked jointly to provide new programs during COVID-19, with home vegetable gardening resources being in high demand since the onset of the pandemic. As a result, our joint gardening programs began with Drive Thru Container Garden Kits where Extension provided some 200 families with everything they needed to grow tomatoes, zucchini, and/or herb gardens last year. This year Simpson Co. Extension Agents continued t
Author: Sarah Fannin
A high percentage of Morgan County’s population is eligible for supplemental food assistance including the Senior and WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program administered by the local health department. The current pandemic has only caused additional food insecurity for many of these families. The ANR agent received a $2,667 KY Double Dollars grant from Community Farm Alliance which allowed WIC and Senior FMNP participants to double their vouchers up to $12 per day when purchasing
Author: Kelly Jackson
What began as a short-term stop-gap for in-person programming during the 2020 Pandemic, has become a much-attended weekly horticulture program. Due to the continuing popularity of the Horticulture Webinar Wednesdays program, a team of Kentucky Horticulture agents has continued to present weekly Wednesday webinars at 12:30 ET (11:30 CT) as a “lunch and learn” horticultural program. This team also includes agents, specialists, and other experts who present a 30–45-minute horticul
Author: Faye Kuosman
Author: Jonathan Larson
2021 featured the emergence of Brood X, The Great Eastern Brood of periodical cicadas. This is a momentous occasion in the entomology world and periodical cicadas always generate interest from the public and from professionals in the Kentucky Green Industry. To help county extension agents prepare for the deluge of questions that would come on this topic, I led two KERS train the trainer sessions with Blake Newton on the most commonly asked questions regarding cicadas. At the end of the two sess
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