S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091
+1 (859) 257-4302
Author: Christopher Teutsch
Major Program: Forages
KYForages YouTube ChannelThe KyForages YouTube Channel features forage and livestock related videos captured from meetings and conferences using a software program called CAMTASIA. This channel has more than 2000 subscribers and was viewed more than 92,000 times in the 2019-2020 reporting period. The total watch time was more than 1.2 million minutes with an average view time of almost 13 minutes. Approximately 75% of the views came from the United States and Canada, with 20% c
Author: Christan Miracle
Forages are one of the most important aspects of many types of farms. Whether the farm produces livestock such as beef cattle, sheep, or horse, or the farm is used for sod production, the forages are at the limited factor of profit. In the winter of 2020 a tri-county educational series was implemented called Master Haymaker. In this 6 part series specialists from the University of KY forage department as well as guest speakers presented their knowledge to a diverse group of farmers. One reason t
Heart of America Grazing Conference: Kicking the Hay HabitHay is an important part of ruminant livestock systems in transition zone states like Kentucky. However, it tends to be an expensive feed source compared to allowing animals graze during the winter months. We organized and hosted the 2019 Heart of America Grazing Conference that was held in Boone and Christian counties. This multi-state conference attracted more than 350 producers from Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, Indiana
Western Kentucky Summer Forage Tour: Reviving Rundown FarmsNeglected and rundown livestock farms are all too common in the Commonwealth. Bub and Lakayah Daugherty purchased D&D Farm in 2013, they set a goal to raise cattle and be profitable. They attend the Kentucky Grazing School held in Princeton. Upon returning from this high quality educational program they worked with cooperative extension and the USDA-NRCS to establish a rotational stocking system. In 2019, their far
Kentucky Fencing School Chris Teutsch, Jimmy Henning, Ray Smith, Morgan Hayes, Josh Jackson, Nicholas Carter, Leann Martin, and Chelsey AndersonKentucky is home to 1 million brood cows. Utilization of forages by livestock requires secure perimeter fencing. In 2019, fencing schools were held in Fayette, Cumberland, and Logan counties. Each school consisted of classroom sessions in the morning and hands on fence construction in the afternoon. In the morning sessions,
Author: Jimmy Henning
In 2016, Paul and Melita Knapper were the first farm to be enrolled in the RCPP Overgrazing and Soil Degradation on KY Horse Farms. This program brings EQIP funds to horse farm to implement resource conservation practices and to improve the profitability and sustainability of small horse farms. The Knappers received more than $30,000 to convert 30 acres from row crops to perennial pasture, therefore increases the amount of pasture they have and their ability to rotate horses. When visited i
Author: Adam Huber
Allen County is a very rural and agricultural based county located in the south central part of the state. According to the 2017 agriculture census, Allen County ranks 21st in total hay production in the state of Kentucky. Out of 49,314 total acres reported, 35,225 acres of land is contributed to hay production. In response to the large production of hay that Allen County has to offer, with the help of the agriculture council members, stakeholders and the Allen County Extension Agent for Ag
Author: Benjamin Conner
Producing feedstuff for livestock is important in Scott County because of the large importance of beef cattle to Scott County agriculture. Utilizing forages for feed has always been part of the process. Most commonly cattle will graze forages or forages will be cut, then dried to low moisture, and finally stored for use during months that the forages are not growing. The process of producing high moisture hay, or baleage, has been more popular in the recent years. This high moisture hay does all
Educational programs that strengthen production skills of agriculture operations in Oldham County are a continued priority identified by Oldham County’s Extension and Agriculture Councils. Equine operations continue to be the top agriculture enterprise in Oldham County with a market value of sales at $6,317,000 according to the 2017 Census of Agriculture, ranking 6th in Kentucky. Extension continues to reach out to assist horse owners through programs that can improve their pr
Author: Susan Fox
University of Kentucky research has shown that soil potassium plays a key role in reducing broomsedge in forage stands and increasing yields from cool season forages. A spring article sent to 77 farmers highlighted that many farmers underfertilize with potassium. Low potassium will prevent nitrogen fertilizer from having its full yield enhancing effect. The results of Extension research on the use of fertilizers for broomsedge control was shared with producers in a newsletter. The agent also dis
Author: Samuel Smith
A central Kentucky thoroughbred horse farm experienced a high incidence of fescue toxicosis symptoms in pregnant and foaling mares during early 2017. The UK Plant and Soil Science Forage Group was contacted by the farm at the advice of the consulting veterinarian. After a farm visit, the farm agreed to a program of pasture evaluation. Fields were samples for species composition, endophyte infection level, and ergovaline content. After being presented results showing damaging levels of infected t
The Eastern Kentucky Hay Contest (EKHC) is a cooperative effort between the county agents in Eastern and Southeastern Kentucky and local cattlemen’s associations and the University of Kentucky faculty specialists in animal science, plant and soil science and also specialists from Kentucky State University. The contest began 25 years ago and involved three counties and has grown to include 13 counties in 2020. The contest has seen an increase in the number of samples submitted. In the last
On June 12 UK Forage Specialist held a Virtual Forage Field Day on Choosing the Best Forage Variety. The virtual part was due to Covid-19, but it included a video tour of the UK Forage Variety Test plots managed by Gene Olson. We showed the performance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, red and white clover, alfalfa and many other forage species. The field day included presentations by UK specialists on how to choose the best varieties for your farm and your individual hay fields and pas
Gabriel Roberts, a senior technician with Ray Smith in Plant and Soil Sciences, has developed a series of timelapse videos that dramatically show the advantage of good forage management. Many of these videos can be downloaded or played directly from the decision aid section of the UK Forage Website https://forages.ca.uky.edu/decisionaids . We are currently in the process of uploading these outstanding videos to the UKForages YouTube Channel. Although there are many videos, some of th
Author: Charles May
Forage production and forage quality in Perry County is something that has taken a backseat for many years to beef cattle production and other commodities. Terrain, cost of fertilizer and lime, equipment and seed cost have contribute to this. Also the small amount of Phase I funds to help offset cost, makes forage stand improvement unattractive to most. In an effort to educate producers on the importance and economic impact of forage improvement, County Extension Agents
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