Success StoryHay testing program and contest
Hay testing program and contest
Author: Charles May
Planning Unit: Perry County CES
Major Program: Forages
Plan of Work: Agricultural Marketing
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Forage production and forage quality in Perry County is something that has taken a backseat for many years to beef cattle production and other commodities. Terrain, cost of fertilizer and lime, equipment and seed cost have contribute to this. Also the small amount of Phase I funds to help offset cost, makes forage stand improvement unattractive to most.
In an effort to educate producers on the importance and economic impact of forage improvement, County Extension Agents for Agricultural and Natural Resources in Counties representing four eastern Kentucky Beef Cattle Associations including Perry County, along with UK Forage Specialists, began a hay testing program and contest.
This program was initiated twenty-three years ago and over this period more than 5000 hay samples have been submitted for testing
The contest, which creates some friendly competition between the four beef cattle association has been a good instrument to get producers to test their hay.
Data received from these test assist producers in making management decisions about improving their hay quality. Also the data is being used to balance feed rations that improve animal performance.
In Perry County, this program and contest has led to a dramatic increase in the number of request to have their forage tested. An average of 25 hay test per year. When this program first started, less than five people requested to have their hay tested. Now 10 to 15 producers are requesting to have their hay tested. This represents around 50% of all forage producers. Clientele realize the economic value of using this data to balance feed rations. On average, feed rations are balanced representing more than 300 animals annually.
Perry County has seen more than 600 acres of hay fields renovated using higher quality forage because of data received from this program. Soil test for forages have more than doubled, on average 70 soil test per year. What Phase I Funds Perry county has available, about half of it is being used to improve forage stands.
Educational tours and programs at this contest have educated producers on harvesting their forage crop at the correct times and how to store their hay crop to prevent loss in quality.
Information received from this event has led to two Perry County Producers starting a hay selling business. More than $10,000.00 in farm revenue was generated from their business this year.
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Hay testing program and contest
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Stories by Perry County CES
Hay testing program and contest
Forage production and forage quality in Perry County is something that has taken a backseat for many... Read More
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To assist parents with bored children at home with nothing to do besides play video games all day, ... Read More
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