Youth Development
Science, Engineering and Technology 4-H Core Curriculum
Youth will learn scientific research techniques responsible practices and innovative technologies that positively address science, engineering and technology issues in Kentucky and globally. Through the Land Grant University and Extension system, 4-H can expand its impact and extend its reach in science, engineering and technology (4-H SET) by providing opportunities for hands-on scientific learning and discovery in 4-H clubs.
Youth will utilize the scientific method to solve problems in their daily life.
Youth will choose a career path in science, engineering or technology subject matter.
Youth will utilize the scientific method in decision making.
Youth will use and apply the skills gained from 4-H science, engineering and technology.
Youth will demonstrate and share new abilities in science, engineering and technology with others.
Youth will practice scientific methods learned in 4-H SET clubs.
Teens will mentor younger 4-H'ers in science, engineering and technology.
Youth will increase interest and engagement in science, engineering and technology.
Youth will learn new skills in science, engineering and technology.
Youth will be introduced to careers in SET.
Teens will participate in science, engineering and technology 4-H programs to acquire new skills.
Initial Outcome: Youth will increase interest in science, engineering and technology
Indicator: Youth will gain knowledge in vocabulary
Method: Observation, pre/post test
Timeline: school year 2017-18
Intermediate Outcome: Youth will apply information gained from 4-H SET
Indicator: Youth will apply information gained from 4-H SET
Method: Observation, increased participation in SET projects
Timeline: school year 2017-18
Long-term Outcome: Youth will utilize the scientific method to solve problems in their personal lives.
Indicator: Youth will utilize the scientific method to solve problems in their personal lives or on the job.
Method: observation, follow up phone calls or e-mail
Timeline: 2-3 years
Audience: 4th grade in-school clubs
Project or Activity: SET
Content or Curriculum: 4-H curriculum
Inputs: grants, teachers, public school, extension office
Date: school year 2018-19
Audience: 4-H members
Project or Activity: Project days
Content or Curriculum: 4-H curriculum
Inputs: grants, extension office, electric company, volunteers
Date: spring 2019
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Robotics
Content or Curriculum: 4-H
Inputs: Extension Staff, Teachers, Volunteers
Date: School year 2018-19
Project or Activity: SET
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Grant, teachers, public school, Extension Office
Date: 2018-19
Audience: Grades K-2
Project or Activity: SET
Content or Curriculum: 4-H
Inputs: grants, teachers, public school staff
Date: School Year 2018-2019