Marketing, Diversifying, and Managing Local AgriculturePlan of Work
Estill County CES
Marketing, Diversifying, and Managing Local Agriculture
Local Foods and Sustainable Agriculture
Agents Involved:
Erin Leach, Judy Vaughn, Emma Lee
Local Food Systems
Substance Use Recovery - ANR
Due to lower commodity prices and higher input prices, farms need to diversify and become more efficient in order to insulate against prolonged suppressed pricing.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Stabilize farm incomes using improved marketing techniques, development of a robust local food economy, and diversified enterprises.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Farmers and community members will adopt new technologies and practices based on research by land grant universities that encourage the use of local products, local marketing, practical risk management plans, and smart diversification.
Initial Outcomes:
Increase knowledge, and skills in production techniques, and marketing tools.
Initial Outcome: Increase knowledge, and skills in production techniques, and marketing tools.
Indicator: Use of marketing tools
Method: Interviews
Timeline: Fall 2024
Intermediate Outcome: The adoption of new technologies to encourage local marketing.
Indicator: Increased awareness of local food systems in the local community
Method: Increased use of local food market
Timeline: Year long
Long-term Outcome: Development of a robust local food economy
Indicator: stable, diverse local food market
Method: frequency of Farmers Market days and number of vendors
Timeline: Year long
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Farmers
Project or Activity: Crop Production Meeting
Content or Curriculum: Education
Date: Winter
Audience: Farmers
Project or Activity: Livestock Production Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Education
Date: All year
Audience: Community members/ youth
Project or Activity: Horticulture Meetings
Content or Curriculum:
Date: Winter/Spring
Audience: Youth/Farmers
Project or Activity: Farm Field Day
Content or Curriculum: Education
Date: Summer/Fall
Audience: Community members/ youth
Project or Activity: Vocational Technology Center Cooperation
Content or Curriculum: Education
Date: All Year
Audience: Farmers
Project or Activity: Forage Management
Content or Curriculum: Education
Date: Winter/Spring
Audience: youth
Project or Activity: Animal Science Project Group/Clubs
Content or Curriculum: Education
Date: September-May
Audience: Community members
Project or Activity: C.A.I.P Cost Share Program
Content or Curriculum: Education
Date: All Year
Audience: Community members
Project or Activity: Farmer's Market
Content or Curriculum: Education
Date: All Year
Audience: Farmers
Project or Activity: Agriculture Marketing
Content or Curriculum: Education
Date: All year
Audience: Farmers
Project or Activity: BQCA Training
Content or Curriculum: Education
Date: All Year
Audience: Community members/ youth
Project or Activity: Forest Management
Content or Curriculum: Education
Date: All Year
Audience: Farmers/ Youth
Project or Activity: Farm Tours/ Field Days
Content or Curriculum: Education
Date: All Year
Audience: Farmers/ Youth
Project or Activity: Small Farm Management
Content or Curriculum: Education
Date: All Year
Success Stories
Small Ruminant Fencing and Facilities
Author: Emma Lee
Major Program: Small Ruminants (includes sheep, goats) and Exotic animals
The number of small ruminant producers has been increasing recently in Estill County. I have gotten many calls from new farmers looking for where to start and what they need to do to be successful. On September 24th at 6:00 pm, I had Kelley Yates from the Kentucky Sheep and Goat Development Office come to speak to producers about small ruminant fencing and facilities. There were 12 farmers in attendance who actively participated and asked questions. Kelley was able to give them the guidance they
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Holiday Plants
Author: Emma Lee
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
There had been many calls and questions about holiday cacti and other plants, so I offered a class about holiday plants. I had two individuals attend, however, the impact on just two was very great. We went through the presentation together and they were actively asking questions. I taught them to propagate their holiday cacti, and how often they should water them. They were concerned with some of the problems they were seeing with their plants and they stayed after the class to ask additional q
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Ag Week Giveaway
Author: Emma Lee
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership - ANR
Many residents of Estill County are unaware of the resources available to them at the Extension Office. On Friday, March 28th, I hosted an Ag Bag Giveaway to promote UK Ag Week to draw in community members to our office. I created bags with SNAP Recipes, seeds from the 4-H Seed Library, information about FCS, calendars, pollinator coloring books, and other promotional items. I advertised the giveaway in the local newspaper, as well as on Facebook with a flyer and a video showing the seeds I grew
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment