Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2025Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Middle School Students Face Financial “Reality” Through 4-H

Author: Deana Reed

Major Program: Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development

Recent years of tough economic times have increased awareness of the need for financial literacy; however, Americans still have a long way to go toward making improvements. In 2014, the Jump$tart Coalition compiled a series of statistics that state that even though youth intend to work and save dollars, more students have increased 36% from the previous years of student and credit card debt.  Youth are not getting the financial education which they will need for adulthood. According to the

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Interview Preparation

Author: Rebecca Hayes

Major Program: Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development

Describe the Issue or Situation.East Carter Middle School has been looking for ways to cooperate with the community in different ways. They have started Mentorship Mondays. 4-H is privileged to be the community partner to speak to the students about interview skills and prepare them for their next steps. Describe the Outreach or Educational Program Response (and Partners, if applicable).4-H partnered with East Carter Middle School where each middle schooler got to sit through an informative

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2024 Corn Dog Booth

Author: Ryan Spicer

Major Program: Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development

Describe the Issue or Situation:Breathitt County’s poverty rate was at 34.3% in 2016. Breathitt County’s Agent for 4-H Youth Development believes that the best way to combat this issue is to teach the children of Breathitt County about the leadership skills they need to achieve, and to be able to overcome the problems of poverty.Describe the Outreach or Educational Program Response (and Partners, if applicable):The agent works to focus on this by taking 4-H’ers each year to the

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A Positive Feedback!!

Author: Brian Walker

Major Program: Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development

Exploring Careers with AgDiscovery at Kentucky State University is the topic of what one student had to say about this unique camp. This past summer (2024) one of the past participants came to the camp because of her love for the veterinary science field and that it was being held in the state of Kentucky. Ms. Julissa along with 17 other participants were able to attend one of the primier KYSU summer camps and stay on campus for two weeks learning about all things that deal with the animal scien

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