Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2025Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025
Kid's Bucks
Author: Christa O'Cull
Major Program: LEAP
Describe the Issue or Situation. 90% of adults in Kentucky do not consume the recommended daily serving of fresh fruit and vegetables. Therefore, we believe that children, as well, do not eat the recommended daily serving of fresh fruit and vegetables. There are very few grocery stores in Lewis County. Now that Dollar General has limited fruit/veggies, families can purchase these items. Many families have no mode of transportation in Lewis County and often live miles and
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LEAP: A Partnership Approach to Healthy Lifestyle Choices in Preschoolers
Author: Jody Paver
Major Program: LEAP
In the Fall of 2024, a committee was formed to address the issues of healthy eating and physical activity habits as they relate specifically to Lincoln County Preschool students. The committee consisted of The Lincoln County Cooperative Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, the Lincoln County Family Resource Center Coordinators for the 5 Elementary Schools in the county (all containing preschools), the Preschool Interagency Committee including the Preschool Director and the Communi
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LEAP in Logan County
Author: Megan Treadway
Major Program: LEAP

Poor nutrition and physical inactivity are tied to obesity. Recent research shows that among U.S. children, ages 2 to 4, nearly 14% were overweight and 13.5% were obese. Obesity rates for children ages 6 to 11 was even higher at 17 .5%. Obesity has been shown to contribute to major health issues including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, elevated blood cholesterol levels, low self-esteem, negative body image and depression in children.To address these concerns, the Area Extension Agent for
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Preschool Students LEAP into Healthy Habits
Author: Kelly Bland
Major Program: LEAP
The Ohio County Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Agent has made a significant impact on the health and wellness of young children in the community through the monthly LEAP (Literacy, Eating, and Activity for Preschool/Primary) for Health program. Partnering with the Fordsville Elementary Head Start Program, this initiative reaches 18 eager students each month, delivering engaging lessons that foster a love for reading, encourage physical activity, and promote nutritious eating habits. By integ
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment