Success StoryLEAP: A Partnership Approach to Healthy Lifestyle Choices in Preschoolers
LEAP: A Partnership Approach to Healthy Lifestyle Choices in Preschoolers
Author: Jody Paver
Planning Unit: Lincoln County CES
Major Program: LEAP
Plan of Work: Health, Wellness & Safety 2020-25
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In the Fall of 2024, a committee was formed to address the issues of healthy eating and physical activity habits as they relate specifically to Lincoln County Preschool students. The committee consisted of The Lincoln County Cooperative Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, the Lincoln County Family Resource Center Coordinators for the 5 Elementary Schools in the county (all containing preschools), the Preschool Interagency Committee including the Preschool Director and the Community Partnership Coordinator, along with the Lincoln County High School Early Childhood Pathway Teacher.
A creative plan was put into action using the LEAP, Literacy, Eating and Activity for Preschool/Primary Cooperative Extension curriculum. In the curriculum a story book is read followed by 1 – 3 activities that reinforce healthy lifestyle behaviors in an age-appropriate manner, and a newsletter is sent home with the student to educate the at home caregiver on the lesson of the day. To creatively teach the LEAP program at all 5 Elementary Schools, and 250 preschoolers, High School Students in the Early Education Graduation Pathway were asked to help lead the program in a designated classroom. The 25 High school Juniors and Seniors who are enrolled in Lyndsey Mason’s Child Service Level 2 class. This class is the Capstone Course for the Early Childhood Education Graduation Pathway. The High School students have background checks and TB skin tests to clear them for their scheduled classroom experience. Each student participates in planning and leading lessons in the Playschool Program run through the high school Family and Consumer Sciences Department.
The Child Services Students were trained by FCS Agent, Jody Paver on the LEAP Curriculum and worked closely with Jody to be prepared for the lesson. The Lincoln County Cooperative Extension Service provided the items for each book, lesson, and copies of the newsletters to send home with the students. Both the students and Ms. Mason and all of the committee members had the FCS Agent’s contact information .
Three school buses were used to take the students to their assigned Elementary school. Students were met at the bus by the Family Resource Center Coordinators for their school. They were trained in the proper sign-in processes, and taken to their classroom. The High School Students excitedly read the assigned LEAP book to the preschoolers participated in the LEAP activities. To add to the real world hands on experiences for the high schoolers, they were able to stay and observe their classroom for 30 minutes and help their Teacher after finishing their assigned LEAP plans.
Evaluations from the committee, the Teachers, the High School Students and observations of the Preschoolers, this partnership approach was a great success. Preschool Students recognized key components from the story and identified the My Plate and other healthy messages from their lesson focus. The High School students enjoyed the real world experience with being in a classroom and leading a lesson. The High School Students are looking forward to continuing the partnership program and growing as classroom leaders and role models. They shared that they feel more confident as a classroom leader and are excited to return to their classrooms. Some shared this helped to boost their self-esteem and helped with their own mental health and confidence.
The High School Teacher and Preschool Teachers and committee members all felt this had very positive results and Future plans are made to continue this program, rotating LEAP books and lessons to cover different topics and grow relationships with their classrooms.
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LEAP: A Partnership Approach to Healthy Lifestyle Choices in Preschoolers
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment