Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2023Jul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023
4-H Day Camps Youth Learn New Skills
Author: Mary McCarty
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
The Menifee County Cooperative Extension office hosted a three day 4-H Day Camp for youth ages 9 to 14. 4-H Day Camps are multi day programs for youth to learn about 4-H core areas. The camp empowers the youth with skills that will last for a lifetime. Youth that attended participated in cooking, sewing, STEM, and water quality activities. Students cooked each day recipes that contained fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Student evaluations showed that 86% were more comfo
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Summer Transportation Institute Creates Career Interests
Author: Casey Townsend
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology

15 out of 18 Summer Transportation Institute high school participants responded to a pre and post survey rating their interest in STEM projects and transportation careers. They rated their interest to do more STEM projects as 66.67% before the program and 86.67% afterwards. Their interest in learning more about transportation careers was 33.33% before the program and 53.33% afterwards. 66.67% of the participants noted that 4-H is a place where they have a chance to be a l
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Robotics Camp
Author: Brian Walker
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
The last camp of the summer started on an high note as our summer came to a close. This was amazing; before the camp, 6 out of the 15 participants indicated that they were interested in learning more about Science, Engineering and Technology totaling 40%. The best was saved for last. 12 out of 15 Robotics Camp participants completed their post surveys and 100% of them responded yes to the statement, “I am interested in learning more about Science, Engineering and Technolo
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Robotics Creates Interest in STEM
Author: Casey Townsend
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
Frankfort YMCA, Kings Community Center, and local businesses have limited space for kids to participate in summer camps. According to the National Science Foundation, STEM workforce represented 23% of the total U.S. workforce in 2019. This data shows that there will be a high need of STEM experts in the future. For this reason a A 4-day Robotics 101 program was created for cloverleaf 4-Hers out of school for summer break. 15 out of the 16 program participants we
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Cloverbud Participants Like Robotics Too!!
Author: Casey Townsend
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
During the Pandemic Jefferson County Kentucky State University 4-H Agents have shifted their programming efforts towards innovation in Robotics. A reactive approach was used in determining a need for robotics programming from feedback with various elementary schools in Louisville. With that feedback in mind, Dash Robotics by Wonder Workshop was acquired by 4-H Agent, Louis Milligan, because he saw that the curriculum was not only designed for K-5 schools, but also that it aligns with the 4-H Exp
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KYSU 4-H Robotics Camp
Author: Lawrence Caudle
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
Robotics Camp – 7/26/22 – 7/28/22Kentucky State University’s 4-H Youth Development team at the Rosenwald 4-H Center held a 3 day Robotics Camp for youth ages 9-12. The camp introduced robotics, engineering, and other S.TE.M. related concepts to the participants. Before the program, a preprogram survey was conducted with the participants. Of the 15 participants in the program, only 6 said they were interested in learning more about Science, Engineering, or Technology projects, b
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Thriving in 4-H: In Their Own Words Series Continued…Volume 2, Issue 1
Author: Lena Mallory
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
The 4-H Thriving Model is the science-grounded in practice that describes the “magic” of 4-H. This model takes the science to explain the growth/thriving process of youth because of their 4-H involvement. Moving from the Develpmental Context (4-H Programs) to Youth Thriving (Social, Emetional and Cognitive Learning) to Development Outcomes (Positive Youth Development) to Long-Term Outcomes. The 4-H Thriving Model is best envisioned through what’s become
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4-H STEM Challenge
Author: Casey Townsend
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology

4-H STEM Challenge kits were sent out to Kentucky State University for the 2022 4-H STEM Challenge. It was sponsored by Bayer. The kits reinforced critical thinking and the youth enjoyed constructing the ocean bot out of all the lessons. They were engaged in a competition to see who could determine the precise weight for their ocean bots to successfully glide through the water. We spent a great deal of time testing their hypothesizes. Think pair and share was utiliz
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KYSU 4-H Tech Changemakers
Author: Lawrence Caudle
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
4-H Tech Changemakers is a program that promotes digital literacy by utilizing teens to assist in bridging the digital divide with older adults to improve their digital literacy skills. The skills that are taught range from creating an email account and sending an email, learning about password safety, how to safely search and utilize the internet, video conferencing, and more. The goal of the program is to provide teens with the opportunity to teach older adults these digital literacy skills, t
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Author: Joyce Doyle
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology

SCIENCE IS MAGIC! That was the reaction of my second-grade students when we have science lessons in our school club. Since the test scores were low in 2022, teachers at Cartmell Elementary had reached out to me asking if I would come in and do some hands-on science lessons. The first month I did geodes and talked about Earth Science. The children used a hammer and broke open a geode. A parent called and told me that her son came home and said there were diamonds in
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STEM Day Camp Introduces Youth to New Careers and Interests
Author: Victoria Riehemann
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
Kentucky is facing a shortage of people to fill technology careers and related fields. There is a need to have trained scientists to solve problems and educate others on issues that are rising, and have a knowledgeable workforce to operate, service, and maintain advancements in robotic manufacturing and production technology. In these fields of technology, women and minorities have been under-represented as holding these careers. According to the Community Assessment Report (2019) for Bullitt Co
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Sparking an Interest in SET
Author: Carissa Miske
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
“In the 21st century, scientific and technological innovations have become increasingly important as we face the benefits and challenges of both globalization and a knowledge-based economy. To succeed in this new information-based and highly technological society, students need to develop their capabilities in STEM to levels much beyond what was considered acceptable in the past.” Introducing youth to Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET) in the classroom, as well as opport
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January 2023
Author: Logan Sasser
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
The Lego League partnership with West Perry Elementary School has been a wonderful experience and was a great success. When the coach at West Perry reached out to me about coaching alongside her I was very excited about the opportunity to work with the students on this semester long project. This was the team's second year participating in the LEGO League challenge. While they didn't place very highly in the competition last year, they all admitted to learning so much and were excited to
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Hands-On Project-Based Learning in Aquaponics Builds Students’ Confidence in STEM
Author: Ken Thompson
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
This project explored the impact of an active aquaponics project-based learning program. The purpose of this case study was to assess students’ perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors towards science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers. Two students of different ages, educational backgrounds, and out-of-school experiences were observed while constructing small aquaponics systems. Students were engaged in the construction of a backyard aquaponics system (i.e., constructiv
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Hands-On Science
Author: Christina A. Martin
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology

The Russell Co. 4-H program presented a series of science activities in collaboration with the fourth grade classrooms in the Russell Co. School System. The program was presented to more than 225 youth. Science is part of the core curriculum for this grade as well as one of Kentucky 4-H’s seven core curricula areas. Over the school year, the students were presented with learning opportunities in the areas of general science/careers in science and using the scientific method for
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Arcs & Sparks
Author: Molly Jordan
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it is estimated that more than 3 million skill trade jobs will remain open by 2028. Skilled trade jobs vary from plumber to electrician to welder. The Arcs & Sparks is a welding program was offered by Bracken County 4-H in hopes to allow students to gain interest in a skilled trade. During the first meeting, youth were introduced to shop safety, proper PPE, and learned how to move their hand to make a weld. This was done by using can squeeze chees
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STEM Challenge
Author: Brian Walker
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
The 4-H Rosenwald team was awarded a great opportunity to implement this years STEM Challenge sponsored by Bayer. This opportunity allowed us to receive 20 plus kits to do hands on activities with youth. Our team was also able to train staff on how to utlize the kits and then from there they were able to use the kits with youth. During fall break we conducted a 3-day program for Frankfort Independent and Franklin County Schools. The students ranged from 8-16 years of age. The students coming in
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Author: Brian Walker
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
It started as a camp that led to success! As a result from our previous summer camp where 15 participants were able to attend 13 out of the 15 students said after camp that they now have an some interest in STEAM Careers, which indicates that over 75% of a students enjoyed the STEM camp. These results were a increase because when the students took the post survey their results stated that there was a 71% rate of uncertaintly on whether they had an interest in STEM careers. Not only did the resul
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Layne Elementary "Love of Learning" Showing What we Know from 4-H"
Author: Louis Milligan
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
Layne Elementary School is a school located in southwest Jefferson County with 65% of the students on free and reduced lunch, only 35% students are on their proper reading level and 61% live below the poverty line.Jefferson County 4-H Agent Louis Milligan and the 2nd Grade teachers met to discuss 4-H programming being implemented in their classrooms. After several meetings and discussions the team chose Robotics and CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) as their programs of choice. The Third Gra
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Pulaski County Loves 4-H Day Camps
Author: Erica Spurgeon
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology

One of the greatest aspects of the 4-H program is the plethora of ways that programs can be provided. Agents can reach youth via clubs, school enrichment, camps, and many more avenues. Pulaski County 4-H agents, Erica Spurgeon and Jennifer Cole, have found one of the best ways to engage youth in their county is through specialized day camps.During the summer of 2022, Pulaski County held a total of eight unique day camps. Topics included Beginner Cooking, Poultry BBQ Contest, Art, Cloverbud, Envi
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Drone Day Camp
Author: Tyler London
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
The problem and the educational program responseMany kids today are uneducated on the subject of drones and what they do for us. There are hundreds of uses for drones and not many people know what they can be used for. The drone industry is a growing field, especially in the agriculture sector. There will be many job availabilities in the future within this industry, so making sure the upcoming workforce is aware of these opportunities is important.The participants/target audienceThe participant
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SET Fun Days
Author: Dianna Reed
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
The Johnson County CEC and Adult 4-H Council identified Youth Life Skill Development as a program priority in the 4-year Plan of Work. To address this need, the 4-H Agent, Extension personnel and 4-H Council expanded School 4-H Club electricity programs to create a Family Summer Series of SET Fun Days to help youth ages 9-18 develop and practice life skills. They learned about power sources, current, conductors, and the jobs of a circuit. As a result, 7 people learned and practiced making circui
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4-H STEM Programs Connect with Agriculture and Leadership
Author: Casey Townsend
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
Hardin County, KY has a 11.7% poverty rate and 81.9% of households have broadband service. 24.9% of the population are under 18 years of age out of the 111, 862 people that reside there. There is a 18.1% chance of a digital divide existing among the children in the community. To combat this issue, the Kentucky State University 4-H Team and Hardin County Family and Consumer Science Agent planned a STEM Day Camp with 15 youth participants from Hilltop Community Center. Ages 9-15
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4-H Offers S.T.E.M. Workshop at 2023 4-H Ignite Conference
Author: Lawrence Caudle
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
Kentucky State University’s 4-H Youth Development program held the 2023 4-H Ignite Conference on April 21st. The conference drew in 100 middle school youth participants, 40 volunteers, 10 chaperones, and 10 extension staff members. During the conference, the participants got the opportunity to participate in 3 of the 6 available workshops of their choosing. One of the workshops offered was a workshop based on S.T.E.M., which was led by 6 of the S.T.E.M. department college students and thei
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KYSU S.T.E.A.M. Camp
Author: Lawrence Caudle
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
The Kentucky State University 4-H STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) Camp conducted for suburban/rural elementary age students was an incredible success, leaving a lasting impact on the 19 youth who participated. The camp aimed to provide a fun and educational environment where children could explore various STEAM disciplines and develop their skills and interests. The 4-H team designed a well-rounded program that incorporated hands-on activities, interactive le
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STEAM Success
Author: Patrice Thompson
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
The Kentucky State University 4-H STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) Camp conducted for suburban/rural elementary age students was an incredible success, leaving a lasting impact on the 19 youth who participated. The camp aimed to provide a fun and educational environment where children could explore various STEAM disciplines and develop their skills and interests. The 4-H team designed a well-rounded program that incorporated hands-on activities, interactive le
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Hook To Cook Guidebook
Author: Chelsea Walling
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
Introducing youth to aquaculture products has potential to promote healthier eating choices and develop lasting culinary skills. Kentucky State University Aquaculture provides k-12 aquaculture and aquaponics extension programming to schools throughout the state. Locust Trace AgriScience Center in Lexington, Kentucky participates in the KSU “Aquaponics in the Classroom” curriculum and also has an 800-gallon recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) in their greenhouse. Agriculture teache
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4-H Works with Homeschool Group
Author: Lawrence Caudle
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
The year started off great with a new group that wanted to do programming at the Rosenwald 4-H Youth Development Center. Being a first for both the 4-H Team and the Homeschool group, The Homeschool Groups have always gotten together to do programming at a different location. The parents wanted to try something new and give their children the opportunity to do things that they couldn't provide at the time. This partnership all started at the Farmer's Market where the Homeschool Group lead
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A Summer S.T.E.A.M Camp
Author: Brian Walker
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
The 4-H Youth Development team had there annual S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) Camp this summer that targeted suburban/rural elementary age students. This was an incredible success, leaving a lasting impact on the 19 youth who were able to attend the camp. The overall goal of the camp was aimed to provide a fun and educational environment where children could explore various STEAM disciplines and develop their skills and interests. The program was desig
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Laurel County 4-H Are SET Excited
Author: Elizabeth Easley
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology

The Problem:According to the Kentucky Department of Education, in 2021 on average, 51% of elementary students tested at below proficient in science in most Laurel County elementary schools. As youth move to middle school, only 63% of students tested below proficient, and in high school 88% of students tested below proficient in science. Today's youth need Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET) exposure and experiences to help them build critical thinking skills and build foundational kno
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Leadership Development and Career opportunities through STEM
Author: Torey Earle
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
The following is taken from the Session 7 presentation on SET Abilities during the 2012 4-H Science eAcademy:“Recent research suggests that learning science requires fluency in multiple aspects of conceptual understanding, practices of science, and identification with the scientific community. While 4-H programs have historically emphasized the development of science process skills (which refer to measurable behaviors and transferable abilities reflective of processes involved with scienti
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Career development through 4-H Drone Project
Author: Torey Earle
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology

According to the California University of Pennsylvania “Drone Careers” web page, “The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International predicts that there will be more than 100,000 new jobs in unmanned aircraft and drone technology by 2025, and the global market for commercial applications of drone technology is expected to reach $127 million by 2020.” Some of the existing job opportunities Include Agriculture (farm and crop scouting, crop mapping), Business a
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Youth Solve Renewable Wind Energy Effeciencies
Author: Tyrone Gentry
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) is important for our youth to be successful in an ever-increasing technological society. Almost every aspect of our life is influenced, controlled, or made easier (or harder) by a STEM advancement. Some of the fastest and most profitable jobs are STEM-based; the grease monkey of the early automobiles would be hard-pressed to diagnose car problems today without the aid and knowledge of computer-based tools. STEM teaches youth to
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Making a STEM Impact After the Pandemic
Author: Lena Mallory
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
Reaching youth to teach life skills is the cornerstone of 4-H programs! Youth participate in 4-H programs through schools, community and project clubs, day camps/workshops, and residential camps/conferences. These are your traditional avenues for youth participation, but there are exceptions and youth audiences we tend to not think of. The Purchase Youth Village (PYV) is a Level II Juvenile Psychiatric Treatment Facility located in Marshall County. The facility offers psyc
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Engine Performance for 4-H STEM Education
Author: Timothy Stombaugh
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
Significant changes have been made recently to vehicle engine technology and alternative fuel availability. This program gave 4-H students the opportunity to explore the impact of engine technology and alternative fuels on engine performance and emissions. Students used modern dynamometer and emissions instrumentation to measure power and emissions output of different engines operating on several different alternative fuels.
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Reaching New Heights: Hart County 4-H's Drone Program Soaring to Success
Author: Julia Wilson
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
In the fall of 2022, the 4-H Agent met with a representative from Thoroughbred Solar, a company building a solar farm in Hart County. The objective of this meeting was twofold: to gain insights into the upcoming solar farm project and to establish a collaborative partnership between the company and the 4-H ProgrThe 4-H Agent secured a substantial $5000 donation dedicated to the establishment of a new Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET) program in Hart Co
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