Success Story4-H Offers S.T.E.M. Workshop at 2023 4-H Ignite Conference
4-H Offers S.T.E.M. Workshop at 2023 4-H Ignite Conference
Author: Lawrence Caudle
Planning Unit: KSU Administration
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Kentucky State University’s 4-H Youth Development program held the 2023 4-H Ignite Conference on April 21st. The conference drew in 100 middle school youth participants, 40 volunteers, 10 chaperones, and 10 extension staff members. During the conference, the participants got the opportunity to participate in 3 of the 6 available workshops of their choosing. One of the workshops offered was a workshop based on S.T.E.M., which was led by 6 of the S.T.E.M. department college students and their professor. This workshop exposed the workshop participants to a crime scene investigation activity, where they received a briefing on a crime that happened, and they had to figure out who was the perpetrator or the crime by using S.T.E.M. techniques. The workshop had 50 middle school youth participants to choose this particular workshop. At the end of the workshop, there was a post-workshop survey given to each student, and the results included: 81% of the workshop participants agreed that the workshop leader was very knowledgeable about the subject matter; 34% and 62.5% of the workshop participants stated that the workshop was either organized or extremely organized respectively; 72% of the participants agreed that they wanted to learn more about S.T.E.M.; and 94% of the workshop participants agreed that this workshop should be included in future 4-H Ignite Conferences. This workshop was a major success, and the 4-H team will consider keeping this workshop within the 4-H Ignite Conference rotation.
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