Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2022Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022
Riding the Trail to Better Health
Author: Caroline Hughes
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Robertson County is a largely rural county with many features to attract its residents to outdoor activities. However, many families have one or both parents commuting to jobs outside the county, which results in their not having as much leisure time to spend outdoors with their children. The children may be at home by themselves and outdoor time exchanged for indoor pursuits. This results in children spending too much time indoors and not being aware that their body needs proper nut
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Health Fest 2021
Author: Brenda Cockerham
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General

Hosting programming during the Pandemic for large gatherings has been difficult, but due to the vaccine and low numbers of people contracting covid, we were able to host a Health Fest event outside. We partnered with UK College of Dentistry (who were screening for throat cancers, as Johnson County and Kentucky rank as some of the highest rates in the nation), along with several local agencies, to present information beneficial holistically to the health of the whole family.Viewing health holisti
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Author: Kayla Walton
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
The Family & Consumer Sciences Agent in Menifee County conducted the Bingocize nutrition-focused program with participants at the senior center during the summer of 2021. During each week of the 10-week course participants gathered at the Menifee Farmer’s Market Pavilion or the Frenchburg Senior Center to participate in the Bingo-exercise program. Each participant was provided a bingo card, bingo chips, a resistance band and a stress ball. The FCS agent would conduct the game of Bingo
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Outdoor Extension FCS and NEP program outreach partnership with the Metcalfe County Library
Author: Lynn Blankenship
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
The Metcalfe County Extension Agent for FCS Education, partnered with the Metcalfe County Library 2021 Summer, Teen reading group to provide a guided tour of the Dry Fork Gorge Nature Conservancy. This was the first visit for all of the participants, which included two library staff and 3 parents along with the teen reading group participants and younger siblings. This Agent provided an overview of the history of the area and key elements that resulted in the Dry Fork Gorge’s p
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Taking Charge of the "Quarantine 15" With Fresh Air, Exercise and Education
Author: Kathleen "Happy" Raffaele
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General

Taking Charge of the “Quarantine 15” With Fresh Air, Exercise and Education COVID-19 and the worldwide pandemic changed many aspects of our lives.According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), the COVID-19 confinement resulted in a decrease in all levels of physical fitness with a 28% increase in daily sitting. The home confinement also increased unhealthy food consumption. Being home more meant more cooking, often in the form of comfort food that are kno
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Google Meet
Author: Bethony Morris
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Hancock County Cooperative Extension Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program Assistant (EFNEP) was asked to join in on a 2nd grade google meet class. This was a great opportunity to work with kids that where at home all day. With teaching the Leap program I was able to focus on good habits the kid should be working on while at home. When the google class first started meeting the kids said they were not being physically active for at least one hour a day.  
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Author: Bethony Morris
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Expanded Food Nutrition Education Program Assistant (EFNEP) with the Hancock County Cooperative Extension office, was honored to partner with Amethyst, a rehabilitation home for ladies. All the ladies agreed they all did not get enough exercise in a day. As a group we discussed how physical activity was helpful to everyone, and 30 minutes a day was recommended by the USDA. The EFNEP added at the end of very lesson a reminder to be physically active. The ENFEP also gave a helpfu
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Learning about the Air Fryer
Author: Shannon Smith
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Air Fryers debuted in 2010 with great popularity overtime they became like many small kitchen appliances do, just something else to store. However, when the pandemic hit and people were stuck at home with restaurant closures and limited dining options, people began cooking more and more at home. The Air Fryer made a resurgence with people craving the fried food taste at home minus all the fat and calories. The Boone and Kenton County FCS Agents contacted the Bracken FCS Agent t
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Serving the Unconnected Audience
Author: Kathy Byrnes
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
St. Aloysius is a former parochial school located in Covington, Ky. The school was built in 1933 and served students until 1979, when, like many urban parish schools, it was forced to close due to declining enrollment. Soon after, the building was renovated to be residential, and has been so ever since. St. Aloysius is a HUD/ Section 8 Community, featuring an independent living complex of 48 units with a variety of ages and abilities represented in the building. As you can imagine, not man
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Pumpkin Days
Author: Laken Campbell
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Pumpkin Days“As the pandemic hit, the plans for our bi-annual Pumpkin Days was well underway! Traditionally this day encompasses 1500 Headstart, Preschool, Kindergarten and 1st grader's attending a day of activities, recipe tasting and stories all centered around pumpkins... they even take a trip to the pumpkin patch to pick their very own pumpkin. As fall approached the hopes of hosting the day in-person at the Robinson Station for Appalachian Resource Sustainability diminished. Agent
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Wellness Returns to Powell County
Author: Kendyl Redding
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Low levels of physical activity, unhealthy nutrition, and poor mental health are all determinants of several chronic diseases. These behaviors are now considered major public health concerns and require effective behaviour change interventions. Fit Blue is a community-based campaign to increase physical activity and health awareness in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Building physical activity into the day does not require special equipment or a certain location. As participants take part in Fit B
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Story Walk
Author: Sarah Congleton
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
According to Kentucky Center for Statistics (2020), Montgomery County kindergarten readiness rates were 32.6% by the age of 5 compared to Kentucky at 51.% in 2020. This is a large number of children in Montgomery County who are not effectively prepared. Work-family time balance is a common challenge to many American families. In 2018, a survey showed that American families only spend just 37 minutes of quality time together per day on weekdays (Renner, 2018.) Inactivity or lack of phys
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Second Annual Walktober Program draws 165 Participants Who Pledge to Walk More than 8 Million Steps
Author: Dayna Fentress
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
More than 165 individuals have pledged to walk and log their steps for the month of October. Second annual WALKtober hosted by the Hardin County FCS programs aims to encourage individuals to simply walk. There is no minimum goal for incentives, no set number anyone must reach. Individuals set their own goal when they sign up, whether it be a set number of steps, to walk a set number of days, or to improve mental, emotional, physical health, etc. Participants are encouraged throughout the mo
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Appalachian Community Health Days
Author: Alyssa Cox
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
According to Feeding America, Wolfe County is amongst the leading counties in the state of Kentucky for food insecurity. In addition, Wolfe County residents report having significantly poor health and access to health care. To address this ongoing issue, the Wolfe County Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences, Alyssa Cox, partnered with the UK Center of Excellence in Rural Health, Kentucky Homeplace, and the Wolfe County Health Department to host the Appalachian Community Health Days at the Haze
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Author: Jane Proctor
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
BingocizeAccording to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, regular physical activity is vital for healthy aging because it helps delay, prevent, or manage many chronic diseases. Physical activity can aid in reducing the risk of functional limitations in mid-life and older adults. Unfortunately, many adults age 50 or older are sedentary or inactive. A study from the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (2016) reports that among adults 50 years old or older, 28% were physically inactive
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Ceramics Social
Author: Leah VanMeter
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
According to a survey by the American Psychological Association released in March 2021, Americans are feeling more stressed than before. The prolonged state of stress is having an effect on the mental and physical health of Americans. The survey found that 61% of adults have experienced undesired weight changes (42% stating an average weight gain of 29 lbs). 67% of Americans are having problems with sleep (either not sleeping or sleeping more than desired). 23% reported drinking more alcohol to
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Author: Lora Gullett
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
COVID 19 impacted the way SNAP-Ed could provide information to their clientele. Instead of in person classes, nutrition information had to be shared virtually or printed and delivered with no contact. During the pandemic when most people were confined at home, it was important to continue to offer nutrition education to our clientele as the added stress of the unknown pandemic caused many to stress eat while others were having problems with food insecurity brought on by the pandemic. Harvard Uni
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County Walk Challenge
Author: Sheila Fawbush
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Physical activity is one of the best ways to maintain your physical and mental health especially in the recent period of COVID guidelines of isolation and social distancing. But, one study states that almost 80 percent of adults are not meeting the minimum guidelines for physical activity. The lack of physical activity is linked to approximately half of all American adults having one or more preventable chronic diseases. According to “Kentucky Health News”, Kentucky
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A Healthy Living Challenge
Author: Kathleen "Happy" Raffaele
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
A Healthy Living Challenge November, time for Thanksgiving and the start of the holiday season. The holiday season may also be the time of the year that our healthy habits get off track and our waistbands get a little bit tighter. Doctors at Harvard Medical School report that people tend to abandon healthy habits during the winter months.In an effort to help people stay on track, the Supplemental Nutr
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Life Skills for Middle School Group
Author: Cathy Sparks
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
This fall, the Family Resource Center Director at the Herald Whitaker Middle School asked to partner with the FCS program to offer educational programming for a group of “At-Risk” middle school students. As a result, we formed a group of 15 students who met each Friday for a life skills class. Using the Botvin Life Skills curriculum, that has been adopted for use by the University of Kentucky Family and Consumer Sciences program, the students were instructed weekly with l
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Senior Expo on the Road
Author: Amanda Hardy
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Seventy-six million American children were born between 1945 and 1964. This generation is known as the “Baby Boomers”. Henderson County’s 65 years and older age group has increased by 11.17% over the last 10 years. Henderson County Extension FCS agent has partnered with Redbank’s senior apartments programming coordinator and director for the last ten years to promote a program called the “Senior Expo”. This event was created to bring information to our se
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Staying Active with Walktober
Author: Lynnette Allen
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Many Breckinridge County Families struggle to maintain a healthy weight and the incidence of diabetes continues to go up. To help promote physical activity and mental well-being, the Breckinridge County FCS program offered the Walktober walking challenge. Families were challenged to get outside and enjoy the fall season while staying active. During the registration process individuals had the opportunity to set a personal goal relating to physical and mental wellness. Wal
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Storywalk increases literacy and access to built environment
Author: Melissa Goodman
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General

In 2013-2015, 31.9% of adults in Hickman County age 20 and over reported no leisure-time physical activity (Hickman County Data Profile, CES Community Assessment 2019). Simultaneously, only 76.1% of children entering kindergarten are ready to learn (2020 Early Childhood Profile). Physical activity, healthy local food choices, and early community literacy opportunities were strategically combined through the Story Walk experience. The Hickman County Extension collaborated with the Family Res
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Healthy Habits Early Learning Village
Author: Karli Giles
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
During October, the Jessamine County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent taught a healthy habits lesson to all Kindergarten students in Jessamine County. The lesson focused on handwashing and healthy practices as a school attendance initiative. Methods used to teach the program were a storybook, germs visuals, and hands-on activities. Glo Germ was added to the Extension Agent’s hand before entering the classroom, and an apple was used as a prop. The presenter showed the cla
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Think Pink with the Giants
Author: Ruth Chowning
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the United States. It is about 30% (or 1 in 3) of all new female cancers each year. In Bullitt County as well as Kentucky, Breast Cancer is the second leading cancer diagnosis behind Lung. (Data sources: North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR), 2020; Kentucky Health 2017). Over the past 25 years, the Bullitt County Extension Service has partnered with the Health Department and KY Cancer program to
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Pennyrile Area WalkTober
Author: Ashley Board
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Low levels of physical activity, unhealthy nutrition, and poor mental health are all determinants of several chronic diseases. These behaviors are now considered major public health concerns and require effective behavior change interventions. FitBlue is a community-based campaign to increase physical activity and health awareness in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. As participants use the FitBlue app, they have tools to transition to a more active lifestyle focusing on eating healthier, movi
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Pennyrile Area WalkTober 2021
Author: Jill Harris
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Low levels of physical activity, unhealthy nutrition, and poor mental health are all determinants of several chronic diseases. These behaviors are now considered major public health concerns and require effective behavior change interventions. FitBlue is a community-based campaign to increase physical activity and health awareness in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. As participants use the FitBlue app, they have tools to transition to a more active lifestyle focusing on eating healthier, movi
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Walktober Encourages Exercise for the Pennyrile Area
Author: Angie York
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Low levels of physical activity, unhealthy nutrition, and poor mental health are all determinants of several chronic diseases. These behaviors are now considered major public health concerns and require effective behavior change interventions. FitBlue is a community-based campaign to increase physical activity and health awareness in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. As participants use the FitBlue app, they have tools to transition to a more active lifestyle focusing on eating healthier, movi
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Pennyrile area Walktober
Author: Nola Janeen Tramble
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Low levels of physical activity, unhealthy nutrition, and poor mental health are all determinants of several chronic diseases. These behaviors are now considered major public health concerns and require effective behavior change interventions. FitBlue is a community-based campaign to increase physical activity and health awareness in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. As participants use the FitBlue app, they have tools to transition to a more active lifestyle focusing on eating healthier, movi
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Battle of the Border Challenge
Author: Katherine Alexander
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Battle of the Border ChallengeLow levels of physical activity, unhealthy nutrition, and poor mental health are all determinants of several chronic diseases. These behaviors are considered major public health concerns and require effective behavior change interventions. To help address this during a pandemic, the Daviess County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent collaborated with the Purdue Extension- Perry & Spencer Counties Health and Human Sciences Educator to have virtual steps
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Author: Jennifer Bridge
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Fall is the perfect time to get outdoors and increase physical exercise. According to the recent Behavioral Risk Factor Survey System (BRFSS) , approximately 30% of Kentuckians are physically inactive. To provide an incentive to be more physically active, a group of FCS agents worked together to offer Walktober in their counties. Each agent localized the 4-week online challenge to increase walking/steps. In Meade County, a Qualtrics survey was created to register participants. The pr
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It is More Than Just Me
Author: Catherine Jansen
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
The eight counties of the Northern Kentucky Area of Extension Homemakers held a leadership training titled “It’s More Than Just Me” in the winter of 2022. Agents from four different counties, including Carroll County, led the workshops. The purpose of the workshop was to help the participants understand how other people can influence their thoughts and behavior and also help them plan some strategies to make them happier.The 4 subject areas included True Colors Personali
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Professor Popcorn Takes on Childhood Obesity
Author: Kathleen "Happy" Raffaele
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States. Obese children are more likely to develop serious health problems like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, an increased risk for type 2 diabetes, breathing problems, low self-esteem, and social problems like bullying. According to the Center for Disease Control, 20.3% of children aged 6-11 are obese and less than 24% get the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity daily.In an effort to lower these numbers, The Supplemental Nutri
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Managing Nutrition During Cancer
Author: Nanette Banks
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Despite the growing number of cancer treatments and improved outcomes with cancer diagnoses, Kentucky continues to have the highest occurrences and death rates in the United States. For those going through treatment or those working with a loved one experiencing cancer, food, and nutrition can be a challenge. In order to help those in need, the Letcher County Extension Family & Consumer Sciences Agent hosted the Kick Kentucky Cancer: Managing Nutrition during Cancer program for the
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Author: Nanette Banks
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Bingocize® was created by Dr. Jason Crandall, Co-Director/Co-Founder at the WKU Center for Applied Science in Health & Aging. He created the socially engaging group-based game that combines health education and exercise in the format of BINGO. Dr. Crandall and his research team have tested the program and demonstrated that over 90% of older adults who played two times a week for 10 weeks significantly improved physical, social and mental health. Dr. Crandall trained 60 UK FCS extens
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Matter of Balance
Author: Kate Thompson
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
One in four Americans ages 65 years and older fall each year (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). In 2014, there were 8,164 fall-related inpatient hospitalizations for Kentucky residents ages 65+ (Kentucky Safety and Prevention Alignment Network, 2014). According to the Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center in Campbell County for seniors (age 65 +), the estimated emergency department visits to hospitals for unintentional falls from 2008-2012 was 30-40%.
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Living Your Best Life-Part 2
Author: Deborah Messenger
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
The Cumberland County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent offered a second part to the "Living Your Best Life" series. 25 individuals participated in a 7-part series that focused on each of the FCS Initiatives. A lesson from each initiative was presented to participants and they were challenged with an activity to support the lesson. The seven initiatives are: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices, Nurturing Families, Embracing Life as We Age, Securing Financial Stability, Promoting Healthy
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Big Blue Goals 2022 Trimble vs. Henry
Author: Jane Proctor
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Annually, Family and Consumer Sciences Agents see an increased interest from clients in health-behavior?choices around the new year.??This year,?to?reach both current and new clientele with?timely?and?research-based?information, Trimble vs. Henry presented a county challenge in time for the new year - Big Blue Goals.??The program was designed to allow for participation through either?an online platform?(Goalify app)?that could be?operated?on?a smartphone, computer, or tablet,?or through?a?t
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Taking Care of Mental Health During Cancer
Author: Vicki Boggs
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Mental health issues after a cancer diagnosis are very common and also costly. Proven community-based prevention programs can increase participants’ knowledge and create positive changes in behavior. These programs could save thousands of dollars in health-care costs and even prevent deaths by suicide. Leslie County Extension, Family and Consumer Sciences presented Taking Care of Mental Health During Cancer to a total of 50 participants. After the program, 49 participants reported tha
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Walktober Promotes Physical Activity
Author: Cabrina Buckman
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Physical activity is linked to positive health promotion and the prevention and management of chronic diseases. To promote physical activity, the Washington County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent held a program called Walktober. Participants were asked to track their steps throughout the month of October 2021 and submit the total number to earn the prize of a cooling towel. Fourteen participants completed Walktober and submitted their steps. The total number of steps w
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Ballard County Senior Center
Author: Sarah Drysdale
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General

In January of 2022 Ballard County hired a new director over the Senior Citizens Center. FCS agent was approached to come into the center and provide health and wellness classes to seniors. As we are coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic having classes that encompass social interaction along with health activity was essential. FCS agent took the homemaker lesson Mindful Chair Yoga to teach. Chair yoga can lessen the impact of chronic illnesses and pain. It also helps in reducing anxiety, promotes i
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Caring for Someone with Cancer
Author: Crystal Osborne
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
According to the American Cancer Society, by the end of 2019, there will have been an estimated 1,762,450 new cancer cases and 606,880 cancer deaths in the United States, which is about three new cases and one death every minute (2019). The 2019 estimates for Kentucky, which has the highest mortality rate in the United States, include 26,400 new cases and 10,580 deaths. Many of today’s cancer patients receive treatments at outpatient centers instead of hospitals. That means more patients,
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Bingocize at Jessamine County Senior Center
Author: Karli Giles
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General

The Jessamine County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent offered Bingocize at the Jessamine County Senior Center, a program that incorporates exercise with the game Bingo. The program consisted of twenty one-hour sessions. Participants engaged in exercises that ranged from chair exercises to standing exercises and used their body weight and weight equipment. This exercise program aims to improve mobility and strength to prevent falls while incorporating a game the seniors love to play,
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Wolfe County Movement Challenge
Author: Jessica Morris
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Wolfe County ranks amongst the highest for obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Members of our community expressed interest in a group to encourage and hold each other accountable. Here at the Wolfe County Extension Office we created a group called the Wolfe County Movement Challenge. The challenge began in January of 2021. Members joined the group and their first goal was to complete 5 miles. They could choose to walk, run, hike or bike... any way or a combination there of to complete the milea
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Author: Amanda Hardy
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
The Henderson County Diabetes Coalition (HCDC) is made up individuals that either have diabetes, are health professionals such as local hospital dieticians, health department, pharmacist, community college nursing department, radio station, local restaurant owner, and community volunteers. The Henderson County Diabetes Coalition conducts diabetes awareness and prevention through educational programs, marketing efforts by radio, newspaper, and billboards. The group provides diabetes e
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Author: Ashley Board
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
According to the Centers for Disease Control, approximately 37% of adults over the age of 65 are inactive. This increases as individuals age with approximately 42% of adults age 75 – 84 and approximately 57% of adults age 85 and older who are inactive. Physical inactivity leads to muscle weakness, as well as loss of flexibility and balance. Research shows that older adults who practice strength building exercises can increase muscle strength. Increased muscle streng
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Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Nutrition, Active Living, and Health Promotion Outreach on television through Family Lifestyles and Farm and Home shows
Author: Lynn Blankenship
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
The Family Lifestyles television program is broadcast five times weekly, with one prime-time slot, over WPBM channel 31. WPBM is broadcast over the air on channel 31.1 and can be received with rooftop antenna within a 45-mile radius of the tower, near Barren River Lake State Park. The signal covers 3571.2 square miles to an estimated population of 313,863. WPBM is available over the air and by cable television in these Kentucky Counties: Allen, Barren, Butler, Clinton, Cumberla
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Fitness for Produce
Author: Kenna Knight
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General

Access to local fruits and vegetables are limited in Pendleton County. Despite the health benefits, only 2% of Pendleton County adults get the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables compared to the state average 8.0% of adults meeting the daily fruit intake recommendation and only 6.3% of adults meet the daily vegetable intake. Nationwide, only 12.2% of adults meet the daily fruit recommendation and only 9.3% meet the vegetable recommendation.To help with this situation the past two
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Author: Tiffany Bolinger
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Low levels of physical activity, unhealthy nutrition, and poor mental health are all determinants of several chronic diseases. These behaviors are now considered major public health concerns and require effective behavior change interventions. FitBlue is a community-based campaign to increase physical activity and health awareness in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. As participants use the FitBlue app, they have tools to transition to a more active lifestyle focusing on eating healthier, movi
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Derby Dash 2022
Author: Kayla Watts
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
According to Kentucky By The Numbers: COVID-19 At Risk County Profiles, 16.8% (11.3%-24.4%) of the adult population of Breathitt County has diabetes and 36.1% (27.0%-46.3%) of the adult population is obese. Because physical activity is linked to better management of chronic diseases and lowering obesity rates, it is very important that Breathitt County citizens, particularly the mentioned populations, have access and motivation to participate in physical activities.Breathitt County Extensi
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Owsley County Movement Challenge
Author: Crystal Osborne
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
The 2022 County Health Rankings & Roadmaps for Kentucky had Owsley County ranked the least healthy for health outcomes and health behaviors. With these statistics in mind, the Owsley County Family & Consumer Sciences Advisory Council continues to see the need for health & nutrition education as a high priority for our community members. The Owsley County Cooperative Extension Service created a year-long movement challenge to provide motivation and resources to participants. Par
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Let's Walk Warren County
Author: Kristi Shive
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
The Warren County Community Assessment Report listed, “Fewer chronic diseases (diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc.) as a top priority issue. The CDC report for Kentucky shows that 68.5% adults and 38% of children, ages 10-17, are either obese or overweight. The State of Childhood Obesity reported that Adults in Kentucky have one of the highest percentages of physical inactivity, 30.1%. Obesity and lack of physical activity is linked to many chronic diseases. In response to this comm
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Author: Brenda Cockerham
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
The health and physical fitness of those 55 and older can sometimes be a challenge as we age. Bingocise is a program from Western Kentucky University working in partnership with Extension state specialist to train agents to extend these opportunities throughout the state. The Johnson County FCS agent, received the training and then delivered it to local clientele of this age range. The curricula meticulously advances participants through a progression of movements designed to increase mobility,
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Fit Blue
Author: Brenda Cockerham
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Fit Blue is a program originally designed for people desiring to increase and maintain their physical fitness as it relates to flexibility and strength. It has a complimentary app that can help record fitness levels and improvements. The recommended fitness schedule offered in the program, was followed routinely twice a week for a month where 10-16 people attended each session. Farmer's market tokens were given to those who attended to encourage healthy eating selections at the market.
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Trauma Informed Care for Education Students
Author: LeChrista Finn
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
The School of Education, Human Development and Consumer Sciences sponsored a forum on trauma informed care for students in the education department. This forum was coordinated by Dr. LeChrista M. Finn, Associate Professor and Health Specialist for Extension at Kentucky State University. Community partners from Fayette County Public Schools in Lexington were invited to share their experiences with providing trauma informed care in a school setting. Katie Washington and Quin
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Get Healthy McCreary Hiking
Author: Leah VanMeter
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
According to the CDC, 32.5% of Kentucky adults in 2020 self-reported they had not participated in any physical activity. The CDC states that the leading cause of death in Kentucky is heart disease and according to an article published by the National Library of Medicine, two of the major risk factors for developing heart disease are obesity and lack of physical activity. The CDC states that 36.6% of Kentucky adults self-report as overweight/obese and 43% of McCreary county residents report lack
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“Impacts from Skip Covid-19 Programs and Community Collaborations within Hardin County”-June 2022
Author: Chandra DeRamus
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General

Title of Success Story: “Impacts from Skip Covid-19 Programs and Community Collaborations within Hardin County” Our community is often times faced with various issues such as rising cost of transportation, housing, and food. In addition, the world is constantly dealing with the challenges of dealing with diseases breaking out all over the world. These issues have impacts on families that often times makes it much harder for them to provide necessary resources for the
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Radon in KY Interview
Author: Hardin Stevens
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Hardin and Dr. Stacy Stanifer with the UK College of Nursing BREATHE program recorded a program with FCS agent, Lynn Blankenship of Metcalfe County. Area FCS agents are responsible for the Family Lifestyles television show that airs weekly, on WPBM cable channel 31. WPBM is available over the air and/or by cable in all or part of the following KY counties: Allen, Barren, Butler, Clinton, Cumberland, Edmonson, Green, Larue, Hart, Metcalfe, Monroe, Nelson, Simpson and Warren. This radon segment ai
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Rural Mental Health and Well-being: A Toolkit for Youth and Rural Communities
Author: Paul Norrod
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Farmers and persons residing in rural areas consistently report elevated levels of stress associated with farming and rural living. The combined effects of farming, rural mental health challenges and their stressors have shown associations with higher rates of suicide in farming occupations and in Kentucky. To address rural mental health challenges, farm stress, and suicide among youth and in rural communities, a mutual partnership was created between the UK Cooperative Extension Service and the
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Self Esteem for Middle School
Author: Shannon Smith
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
The Bracken County Middle School did a school wide program on finding your Soul Shield themed after the Disney Movie Soul. This was a new program with the purpose to better incorporate social and emotional learning for the students. The program consisted of many different session for all middle school students. Some of the sessions included leadership, self-expression through art, group bonding, music exercises, learning social cues, reflection, and choosing your own personal represe
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Big Blue Goals Challenge
Author: Krista Perry
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Annually, the Family and Consumer Sciences agents and staff see an increased interest from clientele in health-behavior choices around the new year. This year, to reach both current and new clientele with timely and research-based information, Henry and Trimble Counties decided to present their clientele with a Big Blue Goals Head-to-Head Challenge. The program was designed to allow for participation through either an online platform (Goalify app)&nbs
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Farm Safety Day Camp
Author: Tracy Cowles
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
2022 Farm Safety Day Camp In May of 2022 The Butler County Extension Service worked with several community partners to offer the Progressive Agriculture Safety Day Camp for all the 4th graders in our community. All of the office staff worked to make the day a success. The program was held at the extension office because of the unique capabilities of our facility, and the willingness of our staff to support the event. The 4-H agent Lloyd Saylor served on the planning commit
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Sun Protection Digital Series
Author: Sarah Drysdale
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Spending time outside is a great way to be physically active, reduce stress, and get vitamin D. However, the more time you spend outdoors the more likely you are to be exposed to ultraviolet light rays. Most skin cancers are caused by too much exposure to ultraviolet light. You can work and play outside without raising your skin cancer risk by protecting your skin from the sun. Just as staying hydrated is important for our bodies, keeping our skin protected is equally as important. Bal
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Spring Into Green: In the Garden
Author: Brooke Hogancamp
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Spring into Green has been a long established area-wide program in the Purchase Area. This event brings participants from all eight counties to gain new information from educational workshops and demonstrations. The event was hosted virtually last year and participants were excited to have the event back in person for 2022. Spring into Green: In the Garden edition, was hosted by the Purchase Area Family and Consumer Science agents at the Graves County Extension Office. Speakers at this year&rsqu
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Author: Amanda Hardy
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Bingocize® was created by Dr. Jason Crandall, Co-Director/Co-Founder at the WKU Center for Applied Science in Health & Aging. He created the socially engaging group-based game that combines health education and exercise in the format of BINGO. Dr. Crandall and his research team have tested the program and demonstrated that over 90% of older adults who played two times a week for 10 weeks significantly improved physical, social and mental health. To help participants learn and
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Virtual Programming Continuing for School Year 2021-2022
Author: Lora Gullett
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
School are back in session for the 2021-2022 school year and some restrictions have been lifted for COVID, but the school system still is encouraging virtual programming rather than in person classes for speaker not employed by the school system due to Rowan County still having higher than state average COVID numbers. Rowan County Kentucky State University SNAP-Ed has been partnering with the elementary schools to provide nutrition and during the previous school year Organwise Virtual Programmin
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Think Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Event Promotes Healthy Living, Literacy, Art, and Forest Relaxation
Author: Nathan Rider
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the United States. It is about 30% of all new female cancers each year. In Bullitt County as well as Kentucky, Breast Cancer is the second leading cancer diagnosis behind Lung. (North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR), 2020; Kentucky Health 2017). Over the past 25 years, the Bullitt County Cooperative Extension Service has partnered with the Bullitt County Health Department and Kentucky Cancer Program to
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Diabetes Prevention in Kentucky through FCS and UK HealthCare Clinical-Community Partnership
Author: Emily DeWitt
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Diabetes is a major health concern in the Commonwealth of Kentucky with over 13% of adults living with diabetes, giving Kentucky the 4th highest mortality rate from diabetes in the United States. Further, 1 in 3 adults live with diagnosed or undiagnosed prediabetes, placing them at an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes in the future. Coupled with limited access to providers and a lack of diabetes prevention education and training, many rural and underserved counties in Kentu
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Diabetes Prevention Program
Author: Cabrina Buckman
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) continues to be a public health epidemic across Kentucky. According to America’s Health Rankings, 13% of the adult population in Kentucky have diagnosed T2D, which is higher than the national average at 10.6%. In addition, 1 in 3 adults have diagnosed or undiagnosed prediabetes, which equals approximately 1.1 million Kentucky adults at greater risk of developing T2D.Fortunately, support programs and education that focus on preparing healthy meals, living an active lif
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Author: Deborah Shepherd
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Wayne County continues to have high numbers of unvaccinated citizens and COVID cases. A collaborative event utilizing EXCITE was held to help inform the public and provide vaccinations. Also COVID home testing kits and information were distributed. A vaccination clinic was held during the entry day of the Wayne County Fair Expo. 7 vaccines were given that day: Two Pneumo 20, one Tetanus, and four Shingrix. We had an additional 5 people who where interested in both Shingri
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Professor PopCorn
Author: Vicki Boggs
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Obesity is a problem not only nationally but also in Leslie County. The obesity epidemic threatens the quality and years of life of Kentuckians. Obese individuals are at an increased risk for many chronic health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancers. 2020 Kentucky Nutrition Education Program Annual Report data indicated that 41% of Leslie County’s adult population were considered obese. Also, according to 2019 County Health Rank
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Story Walk
Author: Heather Toombs
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
64% of Kentucky students are not reading proficiently according to The Oldham county health department survey identified that of the 5 top Health needs for the county, exercise and physical activities were second in terms of need. Cooperative Extension teamed up with the Family Resource Coordinator for Centerfield and Crestwood elementary to present two Leap Stories as a Story walk. The stories selected were "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and "Handa'
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