Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2021Jul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
Answering Questions on Social Security Aid in Financial Planning
Author: Linda Brown-Price
Major Program: Financial Education - General

The coronavirus crisis has shattered the financial security of many Americans, hitting hard the older population. Millions have become unemployed or saw a reduction in wages. Some people are tapping into their retirement savings to make ends meet, while others didn’t have enough in retirement savings to fall back on. This has caused those who are eligible to receive Social Security benefits to have several questions.A virtual training utilizing the zoom platform was used by the Kento
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Small Home Equipment Series Raises Awareness and Empowers Users
Author: Diane Mason
Major Program: Financial Education - General
According to marketing research firm Modor Intelligence, the Unites States small kitchen appliance market is witnessing huge growth, innovation and consumer engagement. Consumer buying patterns include growth in the percentage of buyers purchasing housewares online. In addition, the trend of small kitchen appliances is gaining momentum among millennials, as they look for small space appliances that use less energy and are useful in smaller homes. Earlier research from Utah State University found
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Use Less, Spend Wi$e Challenge
Author: Deborah Shepherd
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Americans spent more than $1 trillion dollars during the holidays in 2018. That number rose another 4.5% in 2019. While holiday spending at an all-time high pre-pandemic, many families across Kentucky may have less to spend during the 2020 holiday season. COVID-19 financial challenges might cause people to adjust their holiday budgets. When tighter budgets are coupled with pandemic-related supply shortages, it is important to learn smarter ways to stretch consumer dollars and resources. To raise
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Use Less, Spend Wi$e
Author: Deborah Messenger
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Americans spent more than $1 trillion dollars during the holidays in 2018. That number rose another 4.5% in 2019. While holiday spending at an all-time high pre-pandemic, many families across Kentucky may have less to spend during the 2020 holiday season. COVID-19 financial challenges might cause people to adjust their holiday budgets. When tighter budgets are coupled with pandemic-related supply shortages, it is important to learn smarter ways to stretch consumer dollars and resources. To raise
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Use Less, Spend Wi$e Challenge
Author: Amanda Hardy
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Americans spent more than $1 trillion dollars during the holidays in 2018. That number rose another 4.5% in 2019. While holiday spending at an all-time high pre-pandemic, many families across Kentucky may have less to spend during the 2020 holiday season. COVID-19 financial challenges might cause people to adjust their holiday budgets. When tighter budgets are coupled with pandemic-related supply shortages, it is important to learn smarter ways to stretch consumer dollars and resources. To raise
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Preparing Your Digital Estate for Safety and Security
Author: Linda Brown-Price
Major Program: Financial Education - General
In this age of technology, estate planning has become more complicated. With email, online banking, and social media there is more information online called digital assets that must be included in the estate plan. To increase the safety and security of information a digital estate plan should be created. Digital assets are items individuals own such as (personal and business websites, art, music, writing, cryptocurrency, etc. and digital information email, social media, and banking ac
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Use Less, Spend Wi$e Challenge
Author: Laken Campbell
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Use Less, Spend Wi$e ChallengeAmericans spent more than $1 trillion dollars during the holidays in 2018. That number rose another 4.5% in 2019. While holiday spending at an all-time high pre-pandemic, many families across Kentucky may have less to spend during the 2020 holiday season. COVID-19 financial challenges might cause people to adjust their holiday budgets. When tighter budgets are coupled with pandemic-related supply shortages, it is important to learn smarter ways to stretch consumer d
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Savving Savvy
Author: Crystal Osborne
Major Program: Financial Education - General
A recent survey by Deloitte found that $0.56 of every dollar spent in a store is influenced by a digital interaction. This growing trend is shaping how consumers shop and make decisions both in-store and beforehand. There are hundreds of grocery apps available that offer help with a wide range of shopping-related services and functions. Grocery apps can help save time and money through lists and meal planning, comparison shopping, coupons, store loyalty, and rebates. To increase consumer kn
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Holiday Saving Program
Author: Matti Coffey
Major Program: Financial Education - General
The holidays were challenging for many reasons during 2020. One of those reasons was the pandemic limiting getting together with family to celebrate traditions. It is very common to give and receive gifts during this time causing a stress on family budgets. Considering the repercussions of shut downs and quarantines, many lost jobs or were furloughed. Not to mention the strain of small business owners to make ends meet. According to the U.S Small Business Administration, Kentucky has 355,998 sma
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Use Less, Spend Wise Challenge
Author: Vicki Boggs
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Americans spent more than $1 trillion dollars during the holidays in 2018. That number rose another 4.5% in 2019. While holiday spending was at an all-time high pre-pandemic, many families across Kentucky may have less to spend during the 2020 holiday season. COVID-19 financial challenges might cause people to adjust their holiday budgets. When tighter budgets are coupled with pandemic-related supply shortages, it is important to learn smarter ways to stretch consumer dollars and resources. To r
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Virtual Financial Program
Author: Karli Giles
Major Program: Financial Education - General
The Jessamine County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent partnered with Bluegrass Community Action Partnership to host a five-week online series on Financial Management. The sessions were 30-45 minutes and covered basic budgeting, credit repair, saving, scams, and couponing—the program utilized PowerPoint slides to share the information with the class and facilitated group discussions. The sessions averaged 8-10 participants per session, roughly a 300% attendance increase compared
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Author: Nichole Huff
Major Program: Financial Education - General
USE LESS, SPEND WI$E Challenge Impact StatementAmericans spent more than $1 trillion dollars during the holidays in 2018. That number rose another 4.5% in 2019. While holiday spending was at an all-time high pre-pandemic, many families across Kentucky had less to spend during the 2020 holiday season due to COVID-19 financial challenges. Travel and social relationships also proved difficult as families considered ways to connect with loved ones while adhering to strict social distancing prot
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Digital Estate Planning
Author: Diana Doggett
Major Program: Financial Education - General
In the modern age of technology, the nature of estate planning has changed. Because so much personal information is stored online, new strategies must be undertaken in order to protect one’s digital assets. Digital estate planning helps loved ones to locate and access important digital information, it may clarify disputes regarding final will and testament, and it may simplify the transition for family members. Fayette Co. Extension FCS partnered with Bluegrass Elder Law to present
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Digital Estate Planning
Author: Ashley Board
Major Program: Financial Education - General
In the modern age of technology, the nature of estate planning has changed. Because so much personal information is stored online, new strategies must be undertaken in order to protect one’s digital assets. Digital estate planning helps loved ones to locate and access important digital information, it may clarify disputes regarding final will and testament, and it may simplify the transition for family members. To introduce the concept of digital estate planning, the Caldwell County Family
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Use Less, Spend Wi$e Challenge
Author: Melissa Goodman
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Use Less, Spend Wi$e Challenge helping insecure resource populationsAmericans spent more than 1 trillion dollars during the holidays in 2018. That number rose another 4.5% in 2019. In comparison, holiday spending at an all-time high pre-pandemic, many families across Kentucky may have less to spend during the 2020 holiday season. COVID-19 financial challenges might cause people to adjust their holiday budgets. When tighter budgets are coupled with pandemic-related supply shortages, it is crucial
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Scam Red Flags
Author: Valerie Holland
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Fraud can happen to anyone. According to the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging 2019 Fraud Book, it is estimated that older Americans lose at least $2.9 billion per year to financial exploitation schemes and scams. Other groups pose estimates that are even higher, and many agree that fraud is underreported. The best way to protect yourself from financial fraud and scams is to be aware of the tactics con artists use and learn to recognize red flags so you can avoid being tricked.To increase c
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Home for the Holidays
Author: Linda Combs
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Holidays are often an exciting time of the year. However, the holidays in 2020 came with lots of stress: holiday spending, Covid-19 quarantines, Covid-19 mental, physical and financial stress. With the normal holiday stress, Covid-19 added limited visits or no visits with families and friends. This multiplied family stress to the max. To assist individuals in understanding and responding to stress resulting from holiday expenses and Covid-19 related issues the Quick
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Saving Savvy with Apps for Coupons and Grocery Lists
Author: Linda Brown-Price
Major Program: Financial Education - General

A recent survey by Deloitte found that $0.56 of every dollar spent in a store is influenced by a digital interaction. This growing trend is shaping how consumers shop and make decisions both in-store and beforehand. There are hundreds of grocery apps available that offer help with a wide range of shopping-related services and functions. Grocery apps can help save time and money through lists and meal planning, comparison shopping, coupons, store loyalty, and rebates. To increase consumer kn
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Money Habitudes Online Challenge
Author: Rebecca Miller
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Financial education programs often highlight financial literacy skills such as budgeting and managing credit card debt; however, these skills do not tap into the emotional and practical issues that cause people to react irrationally with money. Financial decisions are most often motivated by emotional need as opposed to logical knowledge. To address this concern, the Bell County Cooperative Extension Service utilized the Money Habitudes program to emphasize the importance of
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Holiday Road Show, COVID Edition
Author: Laken Campbell
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Quicksand Area: Holiday RoadshowHolidays are often an exciting time of the year. However, the holidays in 2020 came with lots of stress: holiday spending, Covid-19 quarantines, Covid-19 mental, physical and financial stress. With the normal no holiday spending budgets, limited visits or no visits with families and friend’s families were stressed to the max. To assist individuals in understanding and responding to stress resulting from holiday expenses and Covid-19 related issues the Quicks
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Mental Health Support and More Provided through Different Methods during Pandemic
Author: Ronda Rex
Major Program: Financial Education - General

Through a continued effort to maintain Campbell County community involvement with Cooperative Extension programming during the pandemic, Ronda Rex created a two-part program to assist people with mental health support. This was done by both teaching embroidery skills, practicing and adopting those skills and by developing new community leadership skills in an existing leader. The embroidery classes were conducted via Zoom to twelve participants. The classes focused on teaching
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Holiday Ideas
Author: Lora Davidson
Major Program: Financial Education - General
It’s no surprise that Americans have been stressed during the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been said that we are in a mental health crisis because our everyday lives have changed drastically and human contact has been limited. According to the American Psychological Association, nearly 8 out of 10 adults say the Coronavirus pandemic is a significant source of stress in their life and 2 out of 3 said they have experienced increased stress over the course of the pandemic. However, studies show
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Healthier Holidays for Less
Author: Rita Stewart
Major Program: Financial Education - General
In order to address concerns about the upcoming holidays, all County Extension Agents, the Program Assistant, and the NEP Assistant at the Lincoln County Extension Office worked together to develop and teach the Healthier Holidays for Less Program. This program included nutrition education, nutritious food preparation and recipe demonstrations, budgeting for gifts and food, gift ideas to make, and home decorating ideas. Participants met one and one-half hours weekly via Zoom for five weeks
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Author: Kelly May
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Americans spent more than $1 trillion dollars during the holidays in 2018. That number rose another 4.5% in 2019. While holiday spending was at an all-time high pre-pandemic, many families across Kentucky had less to spend during the 2020 holiday season due to COVID-19 financial challenges. Travel and social relationships also proved difficult as families considered ways to connect with loved ones while adhering to strict social distancing protocol atop increased financial hardships. Tighte
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Kentucky Saves Week 2021
Author: Kelly May
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Kentucky Saves is led by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service as part of the national America Saves campaign. The initiative, which culminates during Kentucky Saves Week the last week of February, encourages individuals and families to save money and build personal wealth.Research suggests that those who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them. The Kentucky Saves Pledge is a tool to help consumers visualize their goals by writing down what they are saving f
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Kentucky Saves Week 2021
Author: Jennifer Bridge
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Kentucky Saves is led by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service as part of the national America Saves campaign. The initiative, which culminates during Kentucky Saves Week the last week of February, encourages individuals and families to save money and build personal wealth. Research suggests that those who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them. The Kentucky Saves Pledge is a tool to help consumers visualize their goals by writing down what they&
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Holiday Roadshow To Go Program
Author: Kayla Watts
Major Program: Financial Education - General
The holidays are often an exciting time of year. However, the holidays in 2020 came with lots of stress. Holiday spending, Covid-19 quarantines, and Covid-19 mental, physical and financial burdens weighed on consumers that were usually excited for the winter celebrations. To assist individuals in understanding and responding to stress resulting from holiday expenses and Covid-19 related issues, the Quicksand Area (Breathitt, Lee, Wolfe, Knott, Letcher, Leslie, and P
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Virtual Financial Education Series
Author: Kristi Shive
Major Program: Financial Education - General
More than 670,000 Kentuckians — roughly one-third of the commonwealth's workforce — filed for unemployment insurance for the first time from the week ending March 14 through the week ending May 2 in 2019. The coronavirus pandemic put a bigger share of Kentucky's workforce out of a job than almost any other state in America. In order to address the multidisciplinary financial repercussions of COVID-19; Kristi Shive, Warren County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, hosted a Vi
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Recovering Your Finances-Kentucky Mission Bible Training Center
Author: Cathy Sparks
Major Program: Financial Education - General
The Magoffin County Extension Office was given the opportunity to be involved with the Kentucky Mission Bible Training Center, Salyersville, Kentucky, which is a rehabilitation facility for drug addicts in the area. The mission is operated completely on a faith-based principle, with not federal or state funding. After speaking with the director of the mission, we were given two opportunities to present different programs for the group. We were allowed to share with them through
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End-of-Life Planning
Author: Diane Mason
Major Program: Financial Education - General

Discussing end-of-life wishes and plans can be uncomfortable, but important. With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting individuals and families in a variety of ways, planning for end-of-life became a focus for many. According to LegalZoom ( the pandemic increased the number of people who have created a will or estate plan, but many American remain without. It is estimated that 30 percent of Americans don’t know if their parents have a will; only 41 percent of those over 55 hav
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Adulting 101 Money Talks
Author: Linda Brown-Price
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Today’s young adults need to able to adapt to the challenges they face upon high school graduation and beyond. 2020 further complicated this transition into adulthood as many families were not equipped to handle the issues the COVID pandemic created. Joblessness, financial insecurity, and relationship conflicts created a crisis that many people never imagined they would endure. Concerns over the impact these problems will have on young adults generated a series on “Adulting 101&rdquo
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Colby Harney Brings It Home to Campbell County: KY Saves Piggy Bank Project
Author: Ronda Rex
Major Program: Financial Education - General

Gov. Andy Beshear has proclaimed Feb. 22-26, 2021 as Kentucky Saves Week, sponsored by the Kentucky Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy® as part of the annual America Saves Week campaign. The nonprofit Coalition consists of multiple partners and receives support from the Kentucky Department of Financial Institutions, the Kentucky Department of Education, the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, the Louisville Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Lo
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Money Habitudes
Author: Denise Wooley
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Financial education programs often highlight financial literacy skills such as budgeting and managing credit card debt; however, these skills do not tap into the emotional and practical issues that cause people to react irrationally with money. Financial decisions are most often motivated by emotional need as opposed to logical knowledge. To address this concern, the Graves County Cooperative Extension Service utilized the Money Habitudes program to emphasize the importance of developing a healt
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Recovering your Finances
Author: Lora Pullin
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Financial stress can put individuals in recovery from substance use disorder at risk for relapse, particularly during early stages of recovery. This increased risk is due, in part, to financial stress that people in recovery from substance use disorder often encounter. Through comprehensive financial education training we can expand the capacity of recovery centers and other partners in the community that work with individuals in recovery thereby reducing the likelihood of relapse. To
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Kentucky Saves Week 2021
Author: Lynnette Allen
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Kentucky Saves is led by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service as part of the national America Saves campaign. The initiative, which culminates during Kentucky Saves Week the last week of February, encourages individuals and families to save money and build personal wealth. Research suggests that those who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them. The Kentucky Saves Pledge is a tool to help consumers visualize their goals by writing down what they&
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FACS Holidays at Home 2020 Road Show Program
Author: Vicki Boggs
Major Program: Financial Education - General
FACS Holidays at Home 2020 Road Show Program According to 2019 US Census Data, the median household income in Leslie County is $31,627.00 and 32.3 % of the population of Leslie County is living in poverty.Holidays are often an exciting time of the year. However, holidays in 2020 came with added stress such as holiday spending, Covid-19 quarantines, mental, physical, and financial stressors. Leslie County citizens, especially those living at or below poverty may benefit from access to
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Kentucky Saves Week 2021
Author: Nichole Huff
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Kentucky Saves Week 2021 Impact StatementKentucky Saves is led by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service as part of the national America Saves campaign. The initiative, which culminates during Kentucky Saves Week the last week of February, encourages individuals and families to save money and build personal wealth.Research suggests that those who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them. The Kentucky Saves Pledge is a tool to help consumers visualize their goa
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Money Habitudes Online
Author: Tiffany Bolinger
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Financial education programs often highlight financial literacy skills such as budgeting and managing credit card debt; however, these skills do not tap into the emotional and practical issues that cause people to react irrationally with money. Financial decisions are most often motivated by emotional need as opposed to logical knowledge. To address this concern, the Christian County Cooperative Extension Service utilized the Money Habitudes program to emphasize the importance of developing a he
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Flipping a Switch Book Club
Author: Nichole Huff
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Flipping a Switch Impact Statement 2021The National Institute on Retirement Security (2021) found that two-thirds of Americans say the nation faces a retirement crisis, with 56% concerned they will not be able to achieve financial security in retirement. COVID-19 only exacerbated this problem as 51% of Americans reported increased concerns about finances in later life. Further, 70% agreed that workers do not have the financial skills necessary to manage their money in retirement.To address these
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Senior Life Skills: What is a Budget or Spending Plan?
Author: Tamera Magee
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Financial management is a very important life skill. Many families do not prepare their children for this responsibility. Therefore, they are unaware of how to manage their dollars and can find themselves in debt. The Dropout Prevention and Volunteer Coordinator/Community Education Director invited Franklin Co. agents to participate in the Senior Skills Workshops for high school students. Due to Covid-19, workshops were held virtually. The FCS agent prepared a video using the Where Does Your Mon
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Estate Planning
Author: Jane Proctor
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Regardless of net worth, estate planning is important to protect, and help ensure, your personal and financial goals are realized after death. Unfortunately many people fail to properly plan for transfer of their possessions and property at the time of death. A properly executed estate plan can reduce family stress, reduce federal and state tax obligations, and allow the estate to be settled in an expedient fashion saving both time and money. Many individuals perceive estate planning as co
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Crossing Through This: Managing Farm and Family in 2020
Author: Sarah Hanks
Major Program: Financial Education - General
During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic personal stress and farm financial stress was a constant concern for Ky producers. Managing a farm business in uncertain times can be extremely difficult. To address the financial and mental stresses those families were dealing with, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension and Agricultural Economics Extension faculty collaboratively developed a virtual program to reach out to producers and their families, “Crossing Through This: Managing Farm and Family in
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Kentucky Saves Week 2021
Author: Valerie Holland
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Kentucky Saves is led by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service as part of the national America Saves campaign. The initiative, which culminates during Kentucky Saves Week the last week of February, encourages individuals and families to save money and build personal wealth. Research suggests that those who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them. The Kentucky Saves Pledge is a tool to help consumers visualize their goals by writing down what they&
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Estate Planning Webinar Series
Author: Nichole Huff
Major Program: Financial Education - General
“It’s Time to Talk Estate Planning” Impact StatementRegardless of net worth, estate planning is important to protect, and help ensure, your personal and financial goals are realized after death. Unfortunately, many people fail to properly plan for transfer of their possessions and property at the time of death. A properly executed estate plan can reduce family stress, reduce federal and state tax obligations, and allow the estate to be settled in an expedient fashion saving bot
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Kentucky Saves Week 2021 Encourages Hardin Countians to Pledge to Save
Author: Dayna Fentress
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Kentucky Saves is led by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service as part of the national America Saves campaign. The initiative, which culminates during Kentucky Saves Week the last week of February, encourages individuals and families to save money and build personal wealth. Research suggests that those who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them. The Kentucky Saves Pledge is a tool to help consumers visualize their goals by writing down what they&
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