Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2021Jul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
4-H Has Created So Many Opportunities
Author: Heather Coleman
Major Program: Volunteer Development
The Floyd County 4-H Council and the Floyd County Extension Council supports our programming efforts in reaching youth from the ages of Preschool thru 12th grade. One of our most recent success stories is that of Zach Akers, who began his journey with 4-H in the 4th grade. He was a club member, attended camp as a camper, transitioned into a teen council member and camp counselor. Along the way, he had 4-H projects go to the State Fair, attended Teen Conference and was a member of the
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Developing Leadership through 4-H Volunteer Led Project Clubs
Author: Alexandria Bryant
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Volunteers are at the heart of the 4-H program, building positive relationships with youth, sharing knowledge and experiences, and developing life skills among youth in the community. The positive impacts are most evident in volunteer-led, 4-H Clubs. Volunteers share their time, talents, and energies, leading to long-term positive impacts. Volunteering impacts individuals and communities, providing social, environmental, and even economic benefits. For instance, the Volunteer Measurement Project
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Teen service projects for Assisted Living Facility
Author: Sherri Farley
Major Program: Volunteer Development
In order to obtain service hours for school and academic clubs, a group of nine teens reached out to the Campbell County 4-H Agent to assist with or participate in service type projects. The 4-H agent planned a series of monthly Zoom project nights with the group. The agent also reached out to a former county camp counselor who is a director at a local assisted living facility. Any of the completed projects will be welcome at the facility to give to the residents. Over the past two months, the g
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4-H Embraces the New Reality of Virtual Interaction and Learning
Author: Deana Reed
Major Program: Volunteer Development
It is unknown at this time, the effect that the COVID pandemic will have on learning and skill development and learning loss. Historically, 4-H has persevered troubling times to continue to support its youth membership and communities allowing for positive youth development to continue and shape youth during their adolescent years. Today’s technology allows 4-H to continue to develop the “whole child” in the new reality of a “no contact world” and virtu
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COVID 19 adjustments.
Author: Lloyd Saylor
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Covid 19 has presented many challenges. Our Leaders and staff have adapted as best we could.We have conducted Speech, Demonstration mock interviews, even Gold and Emerald interviews remotely.We have also done many “Grab Bag” programs during the Covid 19.Several garden kits 800 units total with different mixes, herbs, peppers, tomatoes, squash, etc/.l. These all included several SNAP recipes, and Plate it Up materials. Plus excerpts form ID 128 as well as a web link to tha
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Giving Back to 4-H Volunteers
Author: Shelley Meyer
Major Program: Volunteer Development

4-H programs could not thrive or exist at large quantities without the leadership of community members serving as volunteers. Individuals who are willing to donate time to educate youth in a variety of settings, either through projects, school enrichment, leader led clubs, etc. become the volunteers that help make 4-H a great organization in being able to offer youth multiple activities and opportunities in a multitude of interests and topics. A simple thank you can go a long way in showing thes
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Ripple Effect Mapping in Breckinridge County
Author: Alexandria Bryant
Major Program: Volunteer Development

On October 12, 2020, Breckinridge County 4-H leaders hosted a community development program designed to energize their volunteer base and facilitate planning. Ripple Effect Mapping (REM) is a participatory, story-based evaluation technique that is typically used to assess the direct and indirect impacts of a complex program. In this case, the goals of the program were: (1) to recognize the hard work of volunteers and consider the ways that programs connect to create collective impac
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Educating and Empowering Animal Science Volunteer Leaders
Author: Mary S Averbeck
Major Program: Volunteer Development
The goal of Cooperative Extension 4-H Youth Development is to provide in-depth, accurate educational activities for participants. 4-H livestock, horse and dog project leaders serve as primary educators. While they desire to provide quality experiences for their 4-H members, they may lack the necessary resources to meet this goal. The Kentucky 4-H Livestock, Horse and Dog Volunteer Certification Program is a collaboration of equine and livestock specialists from the Department of Animal and
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Clubs during the pandemic
Author: Paula Jerrell
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Our 4-H Clubs that meet at the 4-H Office had a hybrid of in-person and kits for our clubs this year. Our Cloverbud leaders chose to do all kits for the year. Each month they have a special themed kit for the Cloverbuds to pick up at the Extension Office. Topics have been natural resources, family and consumer science (cooking) and expressive arts. The Explorers Club started out meeting in person then had to transition to kits. They plan to meet in person again in April a
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KVF Planning Committee
Author: Caroline Hughes
Major Program: Volunteer Development
The Kentucky Volunteer Forum is one of the premier programs held for 4-H volunteers all over the state. The bi-annual forum, held in Lexington, Kentucky, provides an opportunity for 4-H volunteers to gain knowledge through trainings in addition to sharing motivation and recognition. In 2020, a new record was set as 112 Kentucky counties sent 1138 people to attend the Forum, as well as including attendees from 11 states. There were 183 workshops offering insightful information to enro
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4-H Alumni Becomes Valued Extension Volunteer
Author: Christy Eastwood
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Research has shown that while over 90% of us want to volunteer, only 1 out of 4 Americans actually do. With busy lives, it can be hard to find time to volunteer. However, the benefits of volunteering can be enormous. Volunteering offers vital help to people in need, worthwhile causes, and the community, but the benefits can be even greater for the volunteer. ‘Regina’ was a 10 year 4-H member who held numerous leadership positions, was involved in many different 4-H projects, and
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Agent Conducts Educational Workshops for Out of State Leaders
Author: Janet Turley
Major Program: Volunteer Development
During the height of the pandemic when most everything was shut down in May 2020, Janet Turley found a way to continue to reach 4-H members and allow them to apply skills they learned throughout the year by conducting a virtual horse judging and hippology contest to District 6 4-H horse project members. The virtual events were so successful it was recommended that Janet teach how to conduct these contests at national conferences.In September of 2020 Janet taught “Conducting Virtual Horse J
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Face Coverings for Medical and School Communities
Author: Mary S Averbeck
Major Program: Volunteer Development
The Covid 19 pandemic drastically changed how the sixteen Northern Kentucky Master Clothing Volunteers with the Cooperative Extension Service met community needs. Teaching sewing to individuals and small pods replaced instruction in larger group settings. Volunteers conducted 429 hours of sewing instruction. The volunteers developed their own skills by taking classes through digital means, as well as, reading magazines and books. Over 300 hours of education was reported.  
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Virtual Meetings a Success for Spencer County 4-H
Author: Mollie Tichenor
Major Program: Volunteer Development
According to Arnold and Rennekamp’s 2020 Journal of Extension article, “Consistent with its mission of positive youth development, the 4-H program is uniquely positioned to address and mitigate COVID-19 impacts on youths by focusing on building youth assets and providing supportive contexts. Unlike direct interventions for specific problems, 4-H addresses the multiple sociodevelopmental levels of the “whole child.” This whole child approach is more critical than eve
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Health Benefits of Volunteering
Author: Ken Culp
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Health Benefits of VolunteeringKen Culp, III, Ph.D.Principal Specialist for VolunteerismDepartment of 4-H Youth Development Volunteers make an impactful difference in the lives of people, communities, and Cooperative Extension. Volunteers serve with the intent to help others. But volunteering can benefit the health of the individual as well. These health benefits were never more important than during “the year of COVID”. Researchers have measured the benefits that voluntee
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Fair Grounds
Author: James Cecil
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Clinton County 4-H has a rich history working with the Clinton County Fair. It is a great opportunity for our youth to learn to volunteer and give back to our community. We have had a total of 52 4-H Youth and Adult volunteers help with our County Fair. these volunteers helped get the fair grounds ready for the fair by mowing, weed eating and painting. They learned skills in the food booth like counting money, proper food handing, food safety, customer service and teamwor
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Author: James Cecil
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Clinton County Cooperative Extension has stepped up to the plate again this year with helping our community by working to help feed families during this time of need and through the COVID-19 Pandemic. We have served several hundred families monthly this past year. We started with drive through and now we are having foods available so that families can walk through and pick up there own food. We assist them by carrying their items to their vehicle if need and also we will assist
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Communities Are Equipped with Competent, Effective Leaders
Author: Tyrone Gentry
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Over the last program year, 4-H volunteers were asked to change how they provided experiential, hands-on educational activities to the youth of our community. These protocols were often changing at a pace that was dizzyingly rapid as new information was brought to the forefront of the pandemic. Green County 4-H recognized the importance of keeping volunteers engaged with contemporary skills to be effective leaders in educational youth projects. For the program year 2021, Green County
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